National Guard Still Disarmed
Here At Home
From Hank

The Oregon Guard that is going over to the Middle East that you said may have gotten their weapons back. They do NOT have them. The General of the Oregon NG said that they would be issued their weapons once they "were on site". He stumbled over the words as if he was not sure of what to say. I knew at once what was going on. The guard does not have any weapons available to them in this country. I know why.
Thank you for giving me the Jeff Rense Program to know what is happening in this world. For the longest time, I wondered why my country acted against its own interests. I asked myself "Why are they selling us out?" Well, thanks to your program, I know why my US of A is not my USA any longer. It hurts, but, as you say, we must go on.
I will be listening to you for the information you give. I am ready to acknowledge the evil ones (not Bush's version) but the real ones, and do what I can and must to bring Good back into the world. I must admit that I have begun to find my spiritual side and have begun to pray. I am not by upbringing a religious person. However, at this juncture, I believe that the evil ones have the upper hand.
Jeff...Keep doing your program. As long as you are speaking, there is hope.
Thank you for your courage,
Hank Danforth
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