- Note: We have received repeated claims by many
that they 'remember' seeing the FIRST plane impact LIVE on The Today Show,
Fox & Friends and/or CNN... but none of these news organizations lay
claim to having been on LIVE when the first plane hit the first tower or
feature any exclusive of first impact footage, other than amateur footage,
retrieved AFTER the fact; not broadcast live at all. Many people appear
to be layering their memories of the second impact, and replays of the
first impact, out of sequence in time.
- If anyone has definitive proof that any broadcasting
news facility was on LIVE and aimed at the twin towers to catch the first
impact, please send that proof here! We cannot find any such proof ourselves.
Remember -- it has to have been a LIVE broadcast of the first plane impact
and have been a national broadcast for Bush to have seen the first plane
hit while in Florida.
- At http://www.cnn.com/TRAN
SCRIPTS/0112/04/se.04.html is a transcript of President Bush's comments
regarding the day of the attacks on the World Trade Towers.
- Towards the bottom of the transcript is the following
- QUESTION: One thing, Mr.
President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country,
and another thing is that how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist
- BUSH: Well... (APPLAUSE)
- Thank you, Jordan (ph).
- Well, Jordan (ph), you're not going to believe what state
I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And
my chief of staff, Andy Card -- actually I was in a classroom talking about
a reading program that works. And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting
to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on,
and I use to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot."
And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident."
- But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time
to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my
chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, "A second plane
has hit the tower. America's under attack."
- There is a problem with the above statement. There was
no live video coverage of the first plane hitting the tower. There couldn't
be. Video of that first plane hitting the tower did not surface until days
- Bush is lying through his teeth here.
- Even though Bush is not a very good pilot (he was taken
off of flight status for failure to take a medical exam which included
a drug test), it would be silly to assume that a passenger jet hitting
the WTC in clear weather was pilot error. The only other known impact between
an aircraft and a New York skyscraper was when a military airplane crashed
into the Empire State Building in a heavy fog. Because of that incident,
there are mandatory altitude minimums over the island. If Bush really did
see an airplane on TV hitting the World Trade Towers, then he saw that
the aircraft was under control at the time.
- And, it must be remembered that even after andy informed
Bush of the second impact, and by his own admission Bush knew we were being
attacked, he continued to read to the classsroom full of children.
- Just think about that for a while.
- Confirmation of Bush's comments is also at http://w
ww.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/12/20011204-17.html and http://www.guardian.co.uk/september11/story/0,11209,612354,00.html
- Link
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Comment
- Bush Ropes Himself In HUGE Gaffe Re Broadcast Of 1st
WTC Strike
- top_view@planetmail.com
- 12-8-1
- As they say, the truth has a way of slipping out, and
it SURE did on Tuesday, December 4, when bush was for once NOT reading
his usual dis-informative, canned, pre-spun lies and pablum, but was actually
talking on his own, using whatever brain cells he has left after all the
years of cocaine and booze abuse.
- And THANK GOD for that, because WHEN bush was talking
on his own on December 4, he revealed something so staggeringly, astoundingly
important that even our jaded, overloaded minds lit up like Christmas trees.
- Bush actually stated that on the morning of September
11 at JUST ABOUT 9 AM EDT, he WATCHED on a TV set a video/film clip of
the first plane hitting the World Trade Center, just prior to that well-known
reading session he was about to have with some (unfortunate) schoolkids.
- That's nice. That's VERY interesting INDEED, mr. shrub,
because that first jet didn't bust into the WTC until JUST ABOUT 9 AM EDT
that morning!! So HOW in the name of God could you POSSIBLY have watched
the event on TV RIGHT THEN??
- For bush to have watched the first WTC attack on a TV
set, as he SURELY did, he OBVIOUSLY was watching a VERY different channel
than most everyone else in the world right then.
- But wait, many people have said. MAYBE, the shrub, the
bush, the President of the United States made a "MISTAKE" when
he made the comments on Tuesday.
- Are these people KIDDING??
- There is ONE thing for sure. Just as most people who
were alive at the time can remember just where they were and what they
were doing when they heard the news that President Kennedy had been assassinated,
most people -- and SURELY the President of the U.S. -- remember QUITE clearly
where they were and what they were doing when the WTC attack took place
on September 11.
- For example: bush quite clearly stated on December 4
that Andy Card came in to inform him of the SECOND WTC attack AFTER he
had begun reading to the schoolkids, so even pee-brain dubya clearly distinguished
between the two incidents and when each one occurred.
- Heck: it was ONLY THREE MONTHS AGO!!
- So, to reiterate: bush was DEFINITELY watching a "different"
channel than most everyone else in the world, to have seen the first WTC
attack on a TV set literally WITHIN MINUTES of the event.
- He was OBVIOUSLY watching a closed-link video feed being
transmitted from cameras which agents/accomplices of the primary 9,11 perpetrators
had previously placed near the WTC for the SPECIFIC purpose of filming
their upcoming, scheduled "ATTACK ON AMERICA."
- Bush has sunk his own ship this time.
- _________________
- Comment
- From (Name Witheld by Request)
- 12-8-1
- Either way Bush is lying.
- According to the Associated Press article, Bush was told
of the attack before he had a chance to see it on TV:
- "In Florida, Bush was reading to children in a classroom
at 9:05 a.m. when his chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispered into his ear.
The president briefly turned somber before he resumed reading. He addressed
the tragedy about a half-hour later. -AP"(Link)
- ________________
- Comment
- From Joe & Maria Muñoz
- 12-8-1
- Jeff,
- I read the article about President Bush's "slip"
on your site and also the attached comment. I am a Texan and I agree with
the assessment made in the comment. The only thing the "slip"
reveals is that the President is a Texan. As I read the statement I clearly
remembered that the networks did show live feeds of the towers moments
after the impact, and most were speaking about a horrible accident. To
a fellow Texan, it is obvious this is what the President was trying to
say. He didn't see an airplane hit the tower, he saw that an airplane hit
the tower.
- Joe J. Muñoz
- Richmond, TX
- _______________
- Comment
- From Paul Yost
- 12-8-1
- Jeff, Like Chet Zaba, I was suspicious of this article
- that it was maliciously manipulated to make the case against Bush. But
then I read it again. And re-read it. It's not Bush's use of grammar that
is the poiint of this comment. It's Bush's literal recollection of his
personal events that morning. Take a look - "...And I was sitting
outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower
- "...But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have
much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy
Card, my chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, 'A second
plane has hit the tower. America's under attack.' " He clearly states
he saw the first plane hit the tower before he entered the classroom. Even
if he did not see the first plane hit on TV, like many people have mistaken
for themselves, he knew about the plane before he went into the class.
After hearing of the second plane. He continued reading to the class.
- ______________
- Comment
- From Christopher Glover
- 12-8-1
- Me and my brother were watching ABC news later on that
night and they had the only footage of the first plane hitting the first
tower. What struck us as being very odd was the fact that whomever shot
the footage seemed to know something was gonna happen because he was standing
there with his camcorder pointing @the tower. And to make it worse, before
the guy panned up towards the tower, there was a firefighter standing to
his right in full gear. When the plane hit it didn't look like a 747, but
much smaller.
- _________________
- Comment
- (Note: the following Comment was received by Top View
and forwarded.)
- top_view@planetmail.com
- 12-8-1
- Something 'frighteningly wrong' with Bush comments on
watching the first WTC attack broadcast...
- From: Marcia Olivetti <marcyo@xxx
- Subject: Your article about the Trade Center film footage
Bush saw
- To: TOP_VIEW@planetmail.com
- Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001
- We wanted to let you know, that we had your article forwarded
from someone on youre mailing list. He's sent us some of your other articles
before but frankly, many of them are a bit harsh for us.
- When we saw that the fellow who forwarded it said he
thought it was really important, I decided to read it. Luckily your verbiage
wasn't so wild this time.
- You should also know this: we lost my husband's uncle
a New York City firefighter and very dear relative, at Ground Zero on September
11. Some of his co-workers have privately confided to us that they are
sure bombs were used in bringing down the twin towers.
- But here's what we wanted to tell you. When I finished
the article, an awful, sickening feeling began to creep all over my entire
body, and as my husband was reading it I began to get really bad chills
and started crying.
- It hit us harder and harder that something was frighteningly
and horribly WRONG with what the president said in that talk in Florida,
about having watched that first plane hit the World Trade Center on TV,
when it had only just HAPPENED!
- So help me, the blood drained from my face and I almost
dropped but Rick caught me. I was feeling so sick to my stomach it was
- I cried for days after the attacks on September 11, and
I feel the same now only SO MUCH WORSE.
- We realize that the main point you have made in your
article today really can't be ignored or gotten around.
- The only other possible way to explain what the President
said, other than him being 100 percent mentally incompetent, is that he
was deliberately lying; which makes absolutely no sense at all.
- No, there really is no way around it, and this realization
has simply devastated us. It was our own leaders who carried out the attacks
of that dreadful and terrible morning, and now we know. I can hardly stand
to acknowledge this terrifying fact. To understand the depth and the extent
of the lies which these people, including the president, have told about
what took place on September 11 is to be shaken and ripped to the core,
at least for us.
- Dear God, Dear God, heaven help America and the whole
- The feelings of dread and shock are very very deep, but
we WILL do everything we can to get this earthshaking news to every single
person we possibly can.
- God bless you and thank you for putting yourselves on
the line and working so hard to get the truth out.
- Sincerely,
- Marcia and Rick Olivetti
- ______________
- Comment
- From Chester Zaba
- 12-8-1
- Mr. Rense, I enjoy your program very much and I rely
on the web site for much of my news gathering, however, today's item "Bush
Caught in Lie" is pure nonesense. Knowing the part of the country
the president is from and understanding few of us speak perfect english,
it is entirely reasonable to assume that Mr. Bush meant to say "I
saw an airplane had hit the tower" instead of "I saw an airplane
hit the tower."
- I have been to Texas many, many times and trust me, his
comment is entirely how I might expect someone to express knowledge of
an event that had just occured, but which he may not have witnessed. The
explanation is in the inflection and delivery of the statement. Just try
repeating the quote to yourself several times as you might imagine the
president or another Texan saying it. Remember the relaxed form of language
common to this part of the country, the fact that certain words are, at
times, simply omitted from use and it becomes clear. This was not a lie.
He is describing the events as best he could given the confusion of the
moment and the terrible importance of what had happened. Remember also,
at least one aircraft was headed for the oval office and I am sure security
personnel were aware of all possibilities. It was a frightening morning.
I think I can forgive the man for perhaps using language a bit less than
- Keep up the good work,
- Chet Zaba
- ______________
- Comment
- From Deanna Haynes
- I am writing in response to the Bush "slip-up"
article. I too, hail from Texas and felt, though I don't care for Bush
at all and feel the WTC attacks were planned and known by people INSIDE
the US, I know and understand why Bush said what he did.
- The other people are correct as well in assuming Bush
was simply speaking "Texan" when he said he "saw" the
first plane. He meant he KNEW OF the first plane attack. Bush simply suffers
from being raised aTexan and having lazy and poor speaking skills.
- DeAnna Haynes
Chicago, IL
(from White Oak, Texas)
- Comment
- Bush's grammar is NOT a factor in issue of WHEN he watched
the 1st WTC attack on television...
- There was NO LIVE broadcast of the first WTC attack --
and there COULDN'T have been for obvious reasons; unless CNN was in on
the atrocity too (could be, I guess...).
- But anyway, going by the CLOCK, the known timeline, and
by bush's own words, grammatical or not, he HAD to have seen the damn thing
AS IT WAS HAPPENING at 8:48 AM. Even a few minutes later would have taken
his first viewing out of the only possible time frame, in relation to WHEN
bush went into the room to do the reading photo opp.
- Again: to postulate that the U.S. president could possibly
be in some way mistaken about when he saw the film of the first attack
is completely ridiculous. Surely, if anything is on a par with remembering
"where you were when Kennedy was shot," THIS is.
- And to claim Bush was for some reason or other deliberately
misstating things is -- in THIS case at least -- even more absurd. For
what purpose?
- Reprinted further below are URLS with transcripts of
Bush's comments.
- Here's the relevant portion from the transcript of Bush's
- QUESTION: ... how did you feel when you heard about the
terrorist attack?
- BUSH: Well... (APPLAUSE) Thank you, Jordan (ph).
- Well, Jordan (ph), you're not going to believe what state
I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida.
- And my chief of staff, Andy Card -- actually I was in
a classroom talking about a reading program that works.
- And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go
in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and
I use to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot."
And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident."
- But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time
to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my
chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, "A second plane
has hit the tower. America's under attack."
- There are BIG PROBLEMS with the above statement. There
was NO live TV coverage of the first attack. There COULD NOT have been.
Video of that first plane hitting the tower taken by a bystander did not
air publicly until hours AFTERWARDS; security camera footage aired only
days later.
- What's more: there is NO reason Bush would have thought
a passenger jet hitting the WTC in perfectly clear, calm weather was due
to any kind of "pilot error." This is merely disingenuous chaff
being emitted by Bush to cloud the issue and deflect any radar tracking.
- And we should all keep in mind: by Bush's own admission
even after Card DID inform him of the second attack and Bush KNEW the Trade
Center had been nailed, he just sat there and kept (trying to) read about
- Confirmation of Bush's comments is at: http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0112/04/se.04.html
http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/12/20011204-17.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/september11/story/0,11209,612354,00.html
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