- BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq
on Tuesday condemned strikes by U.S. planes on a fort near the northern
Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif where about 300 foreign fighters were
the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) said.
- "Iraq was shocked when it heard news of the American
airstrikes on a compound (holding) Arab, Muslim and other nationalities
prisoners," INA quoted a statement issued by a cabinet meeting chaired
by President Saddam Hussein.
- "At the same time as Iraq condemns this act, it
calls upon the whole world to condemn this crime and work seriously to
stop American lust for crime and killing Muslim people, including the
people," the statement said.
- It added that the crime violated basic human rights
and rights of prisoners of war.
- U.S. defense officials said on Monday U.S. warplanes
had been called in to crush a revolt by foreign Taliban prisoners at the
mud-walled fort in northern Afghanistan.
- About 500 prisoners linked to the al Qaeda network had
grabbed smuggled Kalashnikov rifles, machine guns and grenades and battled
their Northern Alliance guards in the fort, a Reuters witness said.
- A U.S. defense official who declined to be identified
said the non-Afghan Taliban fighters had held the southern part of the
complex before AC-130 gunships and Black Hawk helicopters helped the
Alliance restore control.
- "The American people have to realize the ill-feeling
which will be sown by this crime and others against their
the Iraqi statement said.
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