Flight 587 - Feedback From |
A US 747 Airline Pilot
From Jan Lamprecht <>

Hi all...
I have 2 folks on my lists who are more experienced in aeronautical matters than I. One is Wayne, a US Airline Boeing 747 pilot.
Wayne chatted to me at length about Flight 587. Wayne says there's no doubt TWA800 was a missile hit, but 587, he says - no hard evidence so far of anything abnormal. He explained, at length how a plane's structure is layered like a "sticky pad" (stick-it) and how bubbles inside can create stresses.
Wayne says the evidence so far suggests that the tail section broke off. This caused the plane to spiral down (no tail, centre of gravity moves forward). The sudden G-forces acting on the wings could rupture them, the fuel spills out, catches fire, etc.
The key seems to be the tail broke off and that caused everything - that's why the plane slammed straight into the ground.
So far, Wayne says no sign of burn marks or shrapnel (parts of the plane could turn into shraphel) to cause other damage.
Wayne also pointed out in earlier e-mails, missiles would leave a smoke trail and nobody reported that.
So no missile. The chance of a bomb is also ruled out so far - according to what Wayne says. Wayne says this is very different to TWA800 where lots of other evidence showed something had hit the plane (real cover-up). ___
Hal, retired from the US Navy had some thoughts and counters to what I wrote last week, which I'd like to pass on to all of you. Thanks for the great input Hal...
The pilots on the airplane did not dump fuel. When the engine fell off the fuel lines to that engine continued to pump fuel. At some point the fuel did catch fire. This plane had just taken off and there was a lot of fuel in the wings. Good point.
The engine did not explode. It came apart. There are some major difference with that comment. Had the engine exploded it would not have fallen to the ground with the outside skin almost intact. Now something as simple as a hand tool left in the engine could have caused the engine to fall apart as it did. We are hearing today on American TV that they did find bird parts in the engine. That is always a problem and could cause this to happen. I think that this accident just happened at the wrong time or there would be no talk of terrorist at this point. It appears to just be a horrible accident.
Point taken. Though, events subsequent to this e-mail now seem to point to the tail section as being the problem.
It is strictly my opinion at this time that the engine hit the tail section before it fell to the ground. I am retired now and do not have access to necessary information much more then a somewhat educated guess.
Hal USN, Ret.
Thanks very much Hal. If you hear more, please pass it on to us.
Regards, Jan


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