Hunter Mistakes Elk For Deer -
Faces $8,000 Fine And Year In Jail

JACKSON, Ky. (AP) - Randolph Scott Stidham was so proud of shooting an enormous deer he drove it around town in the back of his pickup to show it off to friends.
They broke the bad news: He had actually bagged one of 1,300 protected elk that wildlife officials have been trying to restore to the state's Appalachian mountains.
Now Stidham, 38, faces more than $8,000 in fines and up to a year in jail.
"Anyone who mistakenly shoots an elk is an idiot," said Roy Grimes, deputy state fish and wildlife commissioner. "If a person cannot tell the difference between an elk and a deer, they should get rid of their firearms."
Elk can weigh as much as 800 pounds; the antlers alone can weigh 50 pounds and extend 6 feet. Deer are about a quarter of the size.
"It's like comparing a tractor-trailer to a pickup truck," said conservation officer Jamon Halvaksz.
Stidham pleaded innocent this week to charges of possessing an elk. He and his attorney had no comment.
Prosecutor Hershel Branson said Stidham turned himself in as soon as he realized the error. "Obviously, he's guilty of it, but you have to look at intent," Branson said.


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