- What I am about to say happened once before -at extremely
low altitude-a few years ago in broad daylight. I have not seen anything
like it until last night. That means they are spraying chem-trails very
close to the ground at night so nobody can see them.
- I was working out in a shed on the farm late last night.
It was a starlit night in a black sky. I was listening to the Rick Wiles
'American Freedon News.com' shortwave radio show about an interview he
has on tape with top Russian government economists and Pravda saying secret
occult societies are trying to destroy the U.S. economy to rule the world
for the NWO European 'power-elite 'super bankers.
- All of the sudden heard a low flying jet plane over head.
This was highly unusual for out here. I ran out saw, and videotaped, a
white streak behind the plane.
- The streak came from the northern horizon to almost two
thirds across the sky and the streak stopped suddenly. It went directly
overhead and straight over Interstate I-77 in north-western West Virginia.
It was as wide as two of your fists held up at arms length.
- If it were a contrail-instead of a chemical trail-the
planes engines would be off and the plane would have crashed. It was only
3000 to 6000 feet in the air. I am at 2000 ft.above sea level-mountains
on the other side of the state are up to 5000 ft.
- It should have crashed because the trail ended and it
stayed at the same altitude as it went over the horizon.
- The spray feathered out -fanned out-and spread clean
to the east and western horizons in 30 min. or so.Then, it broke up into
patches that fell to the ground within an hour.
- Today, I am sick with burning lungs, runny nose, fever,
flu-like symptoms - I'm shaking all over and it is hard to breathe .
- If this stuff is for special HAARP, or Army radio communications
techniques, they could do it overseas - besides, they only had one hour
to test and it was on the ground.
- If this is supposed to be for protecting us from the
sun's ultra-violet rays -the ozone problem- then it certainly did not stay
up there very long -1 hour - and the sun would not come up for 7 more hours
- So, this is for one of two things. One, there is some
kind of disease killing the trees and they are trying to 'save nature'.
- Or, they are trying to "save nature' by eliminating
people-exactly what is on the Masonic Georgia Guide Stones - in Elbert
County, GA., spoke of at World Forum meetings and in the UN manuals.
- I think this is Part "A" of the Killer Formula.
Part "B" is either in present innoculations or will be in your
drinking water in the future or in mandatory small pox or flu vaccinations
in the future.
- There is a possibility they will apprehend 'subversives'
- or 'belligerents' as the Army 's new POW manual calls them - to the New
World Order by putting them into these Army Civilian Detention Centers
and innoculate them there for mass extermination.
- The spray itself is dangerous and a killer as it is to
some of the elderly and to people with asthma and I think it is also the
cause of fibromyalgia.
- I have a smell in my nose like being in a house with
dirty carpet - like animals have run all over it.
- Hence, the deadly spraying is at night and they are using
it to kill us all off - PERIOD! Any other excuse is rubbish!
- So, go back to your TV shows, and games, fatten yourselves
up for the killing fields-like pigs moments before the slaughter. But,
just every once and awhile take a brake from your teevee and look around
at your kids then wonder if what I said here is just another yelp from
some fatalistic alarmist consumed by conspiracy theories.
- Pointman USA