- The terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon marked a seismic shift in reality. In the aftermath of the attacks
the London Sunday Times announced that the FBI and CIA were reactivating
the Remote Viewing program for the War Against Terror. In effect Remote
Viewing (RV) has now become mainstream.
- The acceptance of RV by the military opens the door to
a new model of reality where the mind actually exists as an energy field.
The implications are far reaching. A small number of scientists, such as
myself, have been working on biophysical fields - the morpho-genetic field
- that controls cell growth and DNA patterns. Remote viewing works by
the biophysical field to distant locations, and since the mind is an aspect
of the biophysical field information can be downloaded from the mind to
the brain. Thus RV can be seen as a new branch of biophysics (See Remote
Viewing by Tim Rifat Published by Vision Paperbacks, email:
- The perfecting of RV means that terrorists like Bin Laden
can be located and terminated. Or at least they would be if the US RV
programs were functioning properly. As an expert on Soviet style RV I would
recommend that all US Remote Viewers read my textbook to find out exactly
what they are doing wrong. For RV has dramatic ramifications for the War
Against Terror, enabling terrorists to be located and further atrocities
- However the implications go beyond the War Against Terror
and they are:
- 1) The mind is part of the
biophysical field.
- 2) The mind is separate from
the brain and may have a life of its own before, during and after physical
- 3) Biophysical warfare,
the mind rather that the enemies men or weapons, also has far reaching
- 4) RV will be invaluable
to business, investing etc, etc.
- 5) A new theory of the memory
of actions learnt and events experienced postulates that DNA is laid down
to encode memory in the brain. Since morpho-genetic fields are part of
the biophysical fields, which control DNA patterns we may have discovered
a pathway for Remote Influencing and ESP.
- 6) Remote Influencing
may be one of the few ways of stopping them before they unleash genetically
modified smallpox; such as the Interlukin 4 variant, which interacts with
the immune system so that vaccines are only 50% effective. Indeed it could
also be used to stop suitcase nukes.
- 7) Memes, ideas, are
fields, so: a) Remote Influencing can change the way people think or act.
b) The implications for strategic psyops are thus profound. c) Military
memes to eradicate Islamic terrorists could prove ineffective.
- Geo-Political Changes - Two Trillionaire
At War
- A powerful group is behind the current wave of terror,
claims Dr Tatyana Koryagina, a close adviser to President Putin. The group,
says Koryagina, is made up of individuals with assets to the tune of three
hundred trillion dollars.
- According to Dr Koryagina: "The US has been chosen
... because the financial center of the planet is located there. The effect
will be maximal, the strike wave of economic crisis will spread over the
planet instantly, and will remind us of a blast from a huge nuclear
- This means that there are two camps waging war, not only
on Muslims but on each other, for control of the New World Order. A world
where the transnational companies and their trillionaire owners rule the
planet and only a small percentage of the population is needed.
- The trillionaire cartel is based in Britain and consists
of the Rothschilds group that controls the Bank of England, Britain and
all major economic markets. The other camp consists of the Bush sphere,
the US military and associated intelligence agencies. The fight for the
presidency was in fact a battle between these two camps; with Gore
in for assassination and Leiberman to become a figurehead for the one
in their ascent to global dominion.
- The Bushs pre-empted that takeover which in turn forced
through the events on September 11th; in effect an attempt the opposition
camp to catalyse a global takeover. While both camps are at odds with each
other they agree on using Afghanistan as a route for an oil pipeline from
the Caspian Sea. They also agree on the destruction or Westernisation of
Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya. Where they differ is on the running of the
New World Order. The trillionaire cartel wish to see America disarmed and
civil liberties destroyed; as part of this ploy a four star general has
been put in charge of Operation Homeland with the ultimate aim of the
of all US property by this powerful cartel. To this end Koryagina told
- "The US is engaged in a mortal economic game. The
known history of civilisation is merely the visible part of the iceberg.
There is a shadow economy, unseen forces acting in the world, unstoppable
for most countries and even continents."
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