- Editor's Note: This
is heartening news. When enough people are informed of the deceits being
perpetuated by the NWO crowd, resistance can turn the tide. Perhaps the
NWO control/enslavement campaign is not such a Done Deal after all. Take
action on a personal lever and RESIST in every way you can. Two
- 1) a veteran recently told me that the VA Hospital had
been hounding him to get their new picture ID smart card (with magnetic
encoded life history info, DNA frequency signature etc.). He told them
no, he was going to continue to use the old embossed ID card issued to
him. They said that he HAD to get the new card. He said no, that it
wasn't mandatory and he was going to continue with his old ID card. They
backed down and said OK, he didn't have to get the new card.
- 2) A lady told me that the apartment complex where she
lives recently switched to laundry machines that require a smart card
(purchased with a credit card) and had removed the coin operated laundry
machines. The apartment managment touted is as a great convenience, etc..
She told management that she wan't going to use their smart card laundry
machines; that she knew the real reason had to do with the NWO cashless
society plan; and that she was going to organize a boycott by other
of the complex. Does that give you any ideas? ...Ken Adaci
- Critical Victory for Worldwide Natural Health
- Sent by Jim Walters
jwalters@mhtc.net 1
- BERLIN - The pharmaceutical
industry's efforts to protect its trillion-dollar global market for
dangerous drugs has been thwarted.
- At a meeting in Berlin, pharmaceutical industry
and politicians representing more than 50 countries met this week under
the umbrella of the United Nation's "Codex Alimentarius"
The main purpose of this meeting was to establish global legislation
to restrict access to nutritional supplements and other natural health
- This outrageous plan was met with an unprecedented
of protest. In the largest public health referendum ever carried out in
history, over 100 million protest letters were sent by people from around
the world to the members of the "Codex" Commission and to
More than half of these protest letters were sent by concerned citizens
of the United States who have recognized this Codex initiative as a direct
threat to the freedom of access to dietary supplements and information
about natural therapies allowed by DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and
Education Act of 1994).
- This protest campaign was initiated by Matthias Rath,
M.D., the world-renowned physician and scientist who led the scientific
breakthrough in natural health that identified vitamin deficiencies as
the primary cause of cardiovascular disease, cancer and others of today's
most common diseases. It is Dr. Rath's medical breakthrough, which resulted
in the development of safe and effective natural health products, that
so critically threatens the trillion-dollar market of symptom-oriented
and dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.
- Dr. Rath's initiatives also attracted more than 2500
attendees to a health symposium in Berlin on the eve of the
meeting. Speakers at that symposium included Professor Poleszynski, a
dissenting "Codex" delegate and Dr. Reuss, a pharmaceutical
"insider" reporting about the industry's deceptive
- Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, a world-renowned biochemist
and director of Dr. Rath's research institute, reported about a major
scientific advance proving the critical role of amino acids in the natural
control of cancer.
- Breakthrough research such as this could not be used
for the benefit of cancer patients around the world if the pharmaceutical
industry's plan for the implementation the "Codex" regulations
were successful.
- Censorship plans for natural health therapies by the
pharmaceutical industry have been camouflaged by a barrage of
publicity about alleged side-effects of essential nutrients. Statistical
data shows that the opposite is true: While there are no reported deaths
from vitamins, the known side-effects of pharmaceutical drugs have become
the fourth leading cause of death, surpassed only by heart attacks,
and cancer.
- Says Dr. Rath: "What is needed is consumer
from the dangers of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs - not from vitamins
and other nutrients that are essential for health and life." While
the worldwide demand from over 100 million protest-emails has stopped the
pharmaceutical industry's strategies at the level of "Codex
similar efforts continue at the level of the EU-Commission and the
parliament. Dr. Rath has affirmed his commitment to continue efforts to
fight these and future attempts to undermine the world population's right
to access to critical natural health therapies.
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