- KANDAHAR - Some 238,000
are in dire need of humanitarian relief assistance in Kandahar and
not accessible both from Quetta and Herat.
- It was disclosed by United Nations spokesman Firdous
Hassan at a daily press briefing to the newsmen. He said, "238,000
people are trapped in Kandahar and are dependent on UN agencies and other
NGOs" they need support as soon as possible.
- About the security situation in Afghanistan, he said,
"overall security in the war-hit country is not good. Security
in Mazar-e-Sharif are extremely volatile and reports about violence and
internal clashes have been reached here.
- In Northern Afghanistan half a million people need
and food while some other 3 million requires assistance other than food
in this harsh winter in the war weary country, he maintained.About the
relief supply to Afghanistan, Hassan said that International Organization
for Migration (IOM) has sent a convoy of trucks carrying sufficient supply
to Faryab.
- WFP spokesperson at the occasion said that WFP is
relief assistance to Afghanistan. The agency is acquiring the help of NGOs
for distribution of food in the war torn country.WFP is facing huge
in Kunduz, Mazar, and Kandahar for providing humanitarian assistance to
the people, she said.
- We are able to push food from Peshawar in presence of
the deteriorating situation in Spin Boldak. It is a positive development,
she added.UNICEF spokesman Chulhu told to the reporters that the agency
is planning to offer non-formal education, literacy, sports in early
to the children of Afghanistan.
- WHO Spokesperson Lori H Girardet at the occasion
the need for generous investment in reconstruction of health sector in
Afghanistan.Reproductive health for women and children health should get
priority, she said and added that at present, there is shortage of health
staff in Afghanistan and there is a need of training to the workers.
- UNHCR spokesperson Maki briefed the reporters that the
shifting of refugees both in NWFP and Balochistan is continued. Every day
8 buses are used for transferring refugees from Peshawar to Kotkai camp,
situated in Tribal area.She also showed concern about the security
in the war weary Afghanistan and vowed that the matter would be discussed
at Bonn Conference.
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