$1 Million Challenge To Disprove
Evidence Of Life After Death

A reward of one million U.S. dollars is offered to any sceptic anywhere in the world who can rebut and refute beyond absolute all the evidence for the existence of the afterlife.
Why the challenge?
The million U.S.dollar reward is guaranteed by four Sydney lawyers including myself - all experts in evidence - who, after examining the circumstances and the evidence, stated that initially it is only reasonable, fair and equitable to match and to mirror the skeptics' fundamental conditions one by one as the skeptics have had them on the Internet for a number of years now.
Countering the skeptics offer
I concede that the skeptics' million dollar offer has been used very successfully - the offer has been huge propaganda against psychics and universal truth - it has fooled and conned journalists, radio and TV interviewers. It has been a powerful tool for the dissemination of global darkness. The media's pet rent-a-skeptic vociferates on behalf of some 2% of the population yet is given exaggerated time and space in the media.
What evidence?
The applicant has to rebut beyond absolute doubt (the same test used by closed-minded skeptics ) the substantive objective and other evidence for the following - not the full list: Materialisation, Electronic Voice Phenomenon, Instrumental Transcommunication, the Scole Experiments, Professor Gary Schwartz' Experiments; Mediumship - Mental, Physical and Direct Voice; Xenoglossy, Myers Cross Correspondence, Proxy Sittings, Automatic Etheric Writing; Laboratory Experiments; Poltergeists; Apparitions; Near Death Experiences and Out of Body Experiences.
Examples of each of these kinds of evidence are presented in my book A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife, Arthur Findlay's On the Edge of the Etheric, Ronald Pearson's Intelligence Behind the Universe, Sir William Crookes' On Human Personality and Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism, Sir Oliver Lodge's Raymond and Geraldine Cummins' Swan on a Black Sea.
An impossible task?
A few skeptics have already applied - those who bothered to respond answered in words to the effect: "Where do you start, it is impossible to rebut!" That is EXACTLY the psychics' argument - not only is it IMPOSSIBLE to rebut the evidence - my three expert professional litigation lawyer colleagues and I in this matter claim it can NEVER be rebutted.
The challenge
Here is the challenge for those skeptics who have been continuously campaigning in the media that there is no afterlife - those closed minded sceptics especially in England and a couple in the United States who have been crusading around the world denigrating, destroying and demeaning the credibility of gifted psychics, trying to dismiss the positive evidence being produced for the afterlife.
Will these high-flying skeptics, who have been wilfully misperceiving psychic phenomena have the courage to apply for the reward? Or will these crusading English, American and Canadian skeptics push cowardice to its extreme and in great humiliation chicken out?
There is a danger that if these said materialist, closed minded skeptics do not take on the offer the public will always remember their names as the greatest fools and frauds in psychic history. From the UK and the US the very impatient public expect anti-afterlife skeptics and debunkers such as Dr Susan Blackmore, Dr Richard Wiseman, Dr Chris French, James Randi, Paul Kurtz the founder of CSICOP in the US, and others to take on the challenge.
Register for the challenge
To register for the $1 U.S.Million Challenge send an email to


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