- Siberian scientists have found a method to destroy the Anthrax bacterii.
The research led simultaneously by biologists from Irkutsk's Lymnology
Institute and by physicists from Institute of Nuclear Physics (Russian
Academy of Science, Siberian branch) are nearing conclusion. These research
had as an object the spores of bacterii which are very close to Anthrax
but unharmful for humans. The spores were treated with a beam of electrons
inside the industrial accelerator. As a result, it was found that a certain
dose of irradiation destroys the bacterial spores packed into the envelopes.
This finding by Siberian scientists could help Americans successfully beat
their biological postal terror problem. The United States already asked
Russian for help about this problem.
- Olga Pavlova, biologist at the Lymnologic Institute (R.A.S.,
Siberian branch) watching the bacterii spores treated in the accelerator.
Photo by Vladimir Zinin (ITAR TASS)