The Chicago Tribune's September 13, 2001 editorial asks,
"Why do they hate us so much?" This is perhaps the most crucial
question the United States could now ask itself, as in its answer lies
the key to defeating terrorism.
Though heinous and barbaric, terrorism is practiced to effect political
change. Political change is desired in response to a perceived injustice;
hate is also born out of this sense of injustice. The greater the injustice,
the greater is the determination to effect political change.
The inevitable and forthcoming United States military response may decimate
Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization, but it won't alter the sense
of injustice and hate that gave rise to his organization.
In an effort to comprehend the existing hate, the Tribune puts forward
several examples why "they" (Arabs and Muslims) hate the United
States, but then goes on to make the astounding statement, "That does
not begin to suggest that such hatred is rational or logical." The
Tribune offers no clues as to how it reached this stunning conclusion.
Do the examples put forward not constitute an injustice, or is the United
States neither responsible for nor contributing to the injustice? Is hatred
itself an irrational emotion, or is the hatred generated by these specific
examples illogical? Are "they," by definition, irrational and
The examples put forward by the Tribune require a reexamination in an effort
to answer these questions.
Israel and Palestine The Palestinians are a legitimate nation with
a legitimate national claim to the land of Palestine. This is an undisputed,
internationally recognized fact, as contained in UN Security Resolutions
242 and 338, which call for Israel's territorial withdrawal from the West
Bank and Gaza. But, as the Tribune writes, "Israel is a thriving and
formidable nation and the state of Palestine is still just a gleam in Yasser
Arafat's eye."
For 34 years, Israel has denied the Palestinians the rights to self-determination,
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The United States is providing
$3 billion a year in financial aid and nearly unconditional political support
to the government that continues to deny the Palestinians these unalienable
rights; in this sense, the United States has contributed greatly to the
ongoing injustice suffered by all Palestinians.
As the Tribune writes, "The Palestinians have grievances." In
1776, the U.S. went to war with the world's most powerful nation to right
such grievances.
Iraq - In the 1991 Gulf war, Iraq's electrical generating plants and sewage
treatment networks were wiped out. Iraq's infrastructure bridges,
highways, roads, canals, and communication centers were systematically
destroyed. In 1991, UN inspectors concluded that the bombing had reduced
Iraq to a "pre-industrial age." Today, the United States and
Britain are still dropping bombs on Iraq.
For 11 years now, the United States has been the driving force behind UN
sanctions against Saddam Hussein and the 22 million Iraqi people. Estimates
vary, but World Health Organization and UNICEF studies certify that sanctions
are responsible for the death of over 1 million Iraqi civilians, including
approximately 670,000 children. Using like percentages, this is comparable
to killing 12.8 million Americans, including 8.6 million children.
Genocide is taking place right now, every day, in Iraq, perpetrated by
the very power that claims to set the standard for democracy, freedom,
and justice.
Afghanistan In Afghanistan, the U.S. cruise missile attacks launched
by then President Clinton failed to kill Osama bin Laden. Instead, the
missiles killed a reported 24 civilians, including 3 children, and injured
several other civilians. The United States may describe these events employing
the morally repugnant term "collateral damage," but the people
killed or injured would probably describe it as an injustice.
Sudan In 1998, United States cruise missile strikes in Sudan destroyed
a pharmaceutical plant. At the time of the attack, the United States claimed
that the plant was producing chemical weapons, and that it had a "financial
link" to Osama bin Laden. No evidence has ever been brought forth
proving these claims. In fact, Sandy Berger, National Security advisor
in 1998, has since declared "it is not necessarily the case"
that chemical weapons were being produced at the pharmaceutical plant.
He now says, "I think it is certainly true that the plant was 'associated'
with chemical weapons and that bin Laden had made a 'financial contribution'
to the 'military industrial corporation'."
This attack destroyed a legitimate pharmaceutical plant, killed one civilian,
violated international law, and constituted an act of war.
In each of these 4 examples put forward by the Tribune, the United States
is at best contributing to or at worst responsible for an enormous injustice.
Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable "to suggest that such hatred
is rational and logical," contrary to the Tribune's conclusion.
However, it is mind-boggling why the Tribune failed to include Saudi Arabia
as an explanation for the existing hatred - Osama bin Laden himself has
publicly stated that U.S. policy in Saudi Arabia is the reason for his
fatwah declaration against the United States. Specifically, Bin Laden believes
"There is no more important duty than pushing Americans out of the
holy land [Saudi Arabia]They have attacked Islam and its most significant,
sacrosanct symbolsThe country of the Two Holy Places has in our religion
a peculiarity of its own." The United States maintains approximately
4000 troops on Saudi soil, home to two of Islam's most revered religious
sites, Mecca and Medina, and the birthplace of Muhammad. The continued
U.S. military presence in one of Islam's holiest of places is "religiously
unacceptable to Saudis," says Said K. Aburish, a Palestinian born
journalist and author of Coming Fall of the House of Saud.
Bin Laden's second reason behind his fatwah declaration is "America's
meddling in Saudi affairs and its politics, and supporting the oppressive,
corrupt and tyrannical Saudi regime." Though it is the world's largest
oil producer, Saudi Arabia is financially broke and heavily in debt. Aburish
says, "The Saudi government is not terribly different than Saddam
Hussein's regime. People have no voice in the running of the government.
People disappear in the middle of the night, and people are imprisoned
without being charged. And the government has squandered the country's
In effect, bin Laden has declared to the United States, "Get out of
Saudi Arabia, and leave us alone." These are his demands, and this
is the political change he wishes to bring about through the use of terrorism.
By now, most Americans are familiar with the explanations proffered by
the politicians, pundits, and the media for the existing hatred: "Their
terrorism is not aimed at reversing any specific U.S. policy it is
driven by pure hatred for the values cherished in the WestLife, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness, our way of life, is a mortal threat to everything
the terrorists hold dearIt is not what we've done, but what we stand for,
who we are."
These explanations are only partial truths, and dangerously ignore the
major culprit - U.S foreign policy. Neither Osama bin Laden nor any other
terrorist has ever committed any terrorist act because "the United
States cherishes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Why do they hate us so much?" The hatred exists because U.S.
foreign policy is either responsible for or contributing to gross injustices
perpetrated against Muslims around the world. The United States may see
itself as a good and civilizing force in the world, but the millions of
Muslim civilians killed or suffering under U.S. policy do not agree.
Osama bin Laden is a product of circumstances - the corrupt rule of the
Saudi royal family, and hostile U.S. foreign policy. Therefore, the United
States must view bin Laden and his organization as a phenomenon, not as
a group of terrorists to be killed. Kill bin Laden, and 10 others like
him will spring forward. The United States cannot simply bomb hatred off
the face of the planet and live happily ever after. The deep and lasting
hatred felt by millions of Muslims requires an acceptance that these are
forces United States foreign policy has helped set loose. In some respects,
"we have met the enemy, and the enemy is us."
The war on terrorism will never be won until the United States first asks
the question, "Why do they hate us so much?" But it is not enough
to simply ask the question. The United States must be willing to objectively
analyze the answers, applying a mature understanding of and sensitivity
to other cultures and peoples. Only then can the United States develop
a foreign policy anchored in the belief that "liberty and justice
for all" applies to all world citizens, and that reflects, as Henry
Kissinger called it, "America's generosity of spirit." Until
that time, the war on terrorism cannot be won.
by courtesy & © 2001 Marc Bumgarner |