State Of America's Bio Defense -
Not Good - We Are Vulnerable
By Kristen Philipkoski

Terrorists likely have considered biological weapons and may be working on ways to deploy them, biological warfare experts say.
Certainly after the Sept. 11 attacks, anything seems possible. The experts also say, however, it will take a level of scientific know-how to execute a biological attack that terrorists most likely don't have.
"The expertise of the terrorists is more along the lines of a traditional attack using high explosives, but that doesn't mean they're not trying," said Jim Lewis, the director of the technology and public policy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.
Even if Lewis is correct, that doesn't mean a biological attack can't happen. The chances a terrorist organization does have bio-weapons increases dramatically if it is sponsored by, say, Iraq or Pakistan, or another of the many countries that have the scientific infrastructure in place to produce bio-weapons.
By 1991, Iraqis had created weapons of anthrax, botulinum toxin and aflatoxin, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
They didn't use them in the Gulf War, although they did release chemical weapons on the Kurds in 1988. The former Soviet Union also had bio-warfare capabilities before its collapse.
Although the United Nations destroyed what appeared to be the final remains of the Iraqi offensive program in 1996, the United Nations Special Commission is not confident that Iraq has abandoned biological weapons research.
According to Jay Davis, a national security fellow at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and former director of the defense threat reduction agency at the Department of Defense, it's also possible that terrorists have been working on developing a biological weapon for many years, if one were to judge by the intricate and persistent planning that went into the attack last week.
If anything is clear, it's that the United States is incapable of dealing with a biological attack -- a situation that has been hammered home perhaps too loudly to terrorists, said Mark Wheelis, a professor of microbiology and a bioweapons historian at the University of California at Davis.
"If terrorists are interested in biological weapons, it's probably our fault since we had the Secretary of Defense going on TV saying this is America's greatest vulnerability," Wheelis said.
If terrorists did succeed, and anthrax, smallpox, bubonic plague, tularemia or any of many other potentially deadly microbes were released upon American civilians, it's likely they would go undetected until people started getting sick. That might be too late.
A World Health Organization study estimated that if a tularemia biological weapon were used against a modern city of 5 million people, it would cause 250,000 illnesses and 19,000 deaths.
The attack would trigger cases of pneumonia, pleuritis and lymph node disease within three to five days after exposure. Unless treated with effective antibiotics, the disease could lead to serious illness including respiratory failure, shock or death.
Researchers are looking for ways to detect bio-attacks before they cause sickness, but no 100 percent reliable technologies exist to date.
"There are sensors that are in the research and development mode that can be brought to bear to detect some biological pathogens, but we've got a long way to go," said Frank Cilluffo, senior policy analyst and deputy director of the Global Organized Crime Project at CSIS.
The military has a set of technologies that sample the air for particles and then perform what's called a PCR analysis to identify them. Using PCR -- polymerase chain reaction -- scientists can rapidly replicate DNA from a very small sample.
One limitation of the technology is that it takes at least an hour to get enough DNA for a detection device to take a reading. The technology is also prone to false positives and negatives, so officials have to guess whether a threat is serious enough to evacuate a public building.
"Say you get a false positive and you evacuate the Capitol building -- you can't do that too many times," Davis said.
The military is stepping up efforts to manufacture more and better bio-sensors.
A company called InnovaTek in Richland, Washington, is funded by the Army and the Navy to develop and manufacture a technology that collects particles small enough to be inhaled by human beings.
Since last week's terrorist attacks, the military has scaled up the project by "100 times," said InnovaTek president and CEO Patricia Irving, although she couldn't give specific numbers.
"The staff is working day and night on this issue," Irving said. "We have people adding a second shift to deliver this product. We're dedicated to doing whatever we can to provide the technology that will help protect people from terrorism."
A perfect system would detect biological weapons to warn people rather than to alert medical facilities.
"You'd love for it to be as fast as a smoke detector," Davis said.
With hopes of achieving a perfect system, researchers at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and other agencies have embarked on efforts to use a technology called mass spectrometry. "Mass spec," as it's referred to, can separate proteins from cells, and the results would be essentially instantaneous.
The Department of Defense signed a contract earlier this year with Bruker Daltonics in Billerica, Massachusetts, to purchase mass spectrometers for chemical and biological defense over the next two years for more than $10 million.
The Defense Department <news/technology/0,1282,16550,00.htmlfirst used Bruker's spectrometers as part of the Army's Biological Integrated Detection System.
Even this technology is not free of false positives and would require backup confirmation from PCR or other devices.
The trick will be situating bio-sensors where an attack takes place. Putting them too many places would result in too many false positives and needless evacuations. But it's difficult to predict where an attack will occur.
In the event that a bio-attack escapes detection, there are unfortunately no antidotes for diseases caused by, for example, anthrax. The only possible treatment is an intense dose of antibiotics, which according to the Office of the Secretary of Defense can reduce the risk of death from 99 percent to 80 percent.
An anthrax vaccine is available. It can cause allergic reactions in some people but is often administered to people who work with animals and military personnel.
The government needs to give pharmaceutical companies incentives to develop antidotes, since, thankfully, there isn't a commercial market for them, said Cilluffo of the CSIS.
"We need to find ways to best tap into the biomedical community, because they're at the leading edge of technology much more so than Uncle Sam," Cilluffo said.
Ultimately, protecting the country from a biological attack will require a collaboration between the leaders in national intelligence, pharmaceuticals, both animal and plant agriculture (since attackers could also target the food supply) and national defense.
"This does not lend itself to setting up 'the bio-defense agency,'" Davis said. "It's the number two or three job for everyone. No one owns the whole problem."
President Nixon signed the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972 stating that the United States would never develop, produce, stockpile, acquire or retain bio-warfare agents or the means to deliver them.

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