- Starting after the multiple bombings of the Federal
building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995, I wrote and then spoke on talk
radio about an aborted military coup. Brought home to me, however, was
the reality that my fellow Americans had little knowledge or understanding
of the masterstroke, the overthrow of government, whether for the good
or for evil.
- In the past, had we as Americans been clearly informed
by the popular press of a putsch, the overthrow of government by violence,
by political assassination, such as to benefit domestic or foreign powers?
After all, who benefitted from the political assassination of President
Abraham Lincoln if not the British and the French who held the means to
swoop upon us at the time from their entrenched positions to the south
and north of us, in Canada and Mexico. The British wanted to split apart
the nation by aggravating the natural friction between the ideas of the
North and the South in America. The French were ready to carve up America
as well. Since at least the War of 1812, the British had plotted to take
back this continent as a puppet colony with so-called "Americans"
again as subjects of the British Crown. [To their credit, Czarist Russia
at the time of the War Between The States, or as called, the American Civil
War, attempted to aid Lincoln with the Czar's naval fleet coming right
offshore the U.S.]
- Look what happened in the decades after the murder of
Lincoln. President James Garfield was against the British controlling the
growing financial power of the U.S. President William McKinley [the Brits
hate the Irish] opposed the British trying to strangle the rise of American
industrial power. Their political assassination in the years after that
of Lincoln, in its simplest explanation, benefitted British attempts to
grab back America.
- Seldom, if ever, are these events explained in this
- The Clinton White House with prior knowledge, allowed
the Oklahoma bombings to occur, to restore his power following the debacle
of the 1994 Congressional elections putting a GOP majority to confront
him in Congress. And, with Clinton as a marionette, it aided the
in their continuing propaganda to make common Americans helpless to oppose
tyranny by disarming them.
- Two days before the Oklahoma bloodshed, on April 17,
1995, a plane-load of top military brass were murdered when their sabotaged
plane blew up near Alexander City, Alabama. It was a real life version
of "Seven Days in May". According to federal grand jurors we
interviewed, there was an attempt, later blocked, by a grand jury to
this aborted coup. It was actually part of a series of events involving
twenty four Admirals and Generals, some of the most patriotic flag officers
in the history of this Republic. They vowed, under the Uniform Military
Code, to arrest their Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton, for his various
acts of treason aiding and abetting sworn enemies of the United States,
such as Red China and Iraq. If Clinton had them arrested for mutiny, they
were prepared, if not assassinated, to defend themselves with their heavily
documented charges of his treachery against the U.S. Constitution and the
people of the United States.
- Some of the coup plotters, deciding to be out of uniform,
took up residence in a Paris suburb. The French CIA, aware of all this,
used it to blackmail advantages out of the U.S. government. Such as, to
blockade the U.S. Justice Department, itself a highly corrupt entity, from
prosecuting some fourteen French nationals, resident in the U.S., who stole
U.S. industrial and financial secrets. [The French used similar blackmail
threatening to publicize their knowledge of Iran's complicity in the
attack on TWA Flight 800. Eight top officials of the French CIA along with
some 60 other French nationals died in the plane that had been scheduled
for Paris. A top official, however, of the French CIA at the last minute
refused to board Flight 800. The Clinton White House had a secret
deal pending with the Teheran oligarchs which the missile disclosures would
have wrecked.]
- The purpose of several attempts to pull off a coup was
NOT to install a junta [pronounced HOON-tah], that is, an evil military
dictatorship. Rather, to restore by necessary force the American Republic,
which has gone down hill since the overthrow, by the American secret
police, of the U.S. government, by way of the murder in 1963 of President
John F. Kennedy.
- In the months and years that followed the Alexander City
incident, some ten like-minded Admirals, Generals, and other officials
and former officials, were assassinated. Such as, Admiral Jeremy Boorda,
Chief of Naval Operations, the highest naval officer in uniform. Such as
General David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District. Such as,
Director of Central Intelligence, DCI, William Colby. Our interviews with
their family members, relatives, and confidants convinces us of the
of our reports. The monopoly press wrote off their demise as "airplane
accidents", "suicide", and "boat accident".
- Some of those hearing me on the radio, wrote to me. I
could see immediately they had no understanding of the subject. One letter
stated simply, "Mr. Skolnick, send me your papers on the koo
Evidently, this subject is not in the usual U.S. history text books in
the usual high schools and colleges.
- [As to the Iraqi connection, visit our website stories.
Such as "U.S. Government Prior Knowledge of Emergency", "The
Secrets of Timothy McVeigh".]
- Because of my analyses of the current emergency, I
I suppose, expect to be heckled and reviled by some well-meaning but
informed fellow Americans. Notwithstanding the pronouncements of the
secret political police, the FBI and CIA, and the oil-soaked, spy-riddled
monopoly press, and the White House, the plot to destroy the American
is entirely based WITHIN THIS NATION.
- It is obviously good and proper to respect the U.S. flag,
perpetuated with the blood of American heroes. On the other hand, it can
be a fatal mistake, a nuking of the Bill of Rights, not to recognize
who wrap themselves in the same flag to cover up their crimes against the
American common people.
- In its simplest form, the Persian Gulf War was just the
falling out of former private business partners. I was the only journalist
to be in attendance in 1991, at the hearing of a federal court case in
Chicago. My exclusive interviews of the participants confirmed why certain
bank records had to be concealed, the subject matter of the litigation.
They showed the secret private business partnership in the 1980s of George
Herbert Walker Bush, President in 1991, and Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi
installed by Bush, starting when Bush was head of the secret police in
1976. [My exclusive highly detailed story ran in a populist newspaper,
"Spotlight", August 19, 1991.]
- Profoundly corrupt Chicago federal appeals judges put
the case out of court and the file has been scattered to the wind. We
are the only ones still having the court file. [Visit our website story,
"The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh", for the name and number of
the case and details of the judges.]
- The Elder Bush during the Gulf War, wanted the American
public to falsely believe that putting the head of Saddam Hussein on a
platter and delivering it to the White House, would cure every domestic
and foreign problem of the U.S. On July 17, 1993, Saddam Hussein murdered
some ten of his top military officers who were plotting, he said, to
him. The Clinton White House, with Bill Clinton as a Bush Family crony,
had apparently committed treachery in leaking CIA details to Saddam of
the plot against him. Working on investigating both Clinton and Bush as
to this treasonous leak, was FBI Director William Sessions who was
sacked on frivolous charges two days later, all to protect the treachery
from being disclosed of Bush/Clinton. The very next day, Vincent W. Foster,
Jr., Clinton White House Deputy Counsel, who also knew what had happened,
was assassinated and clumsily disguised as a "suicide". The
plot against Saddam did not become even a watered down version of what
happened, in the U.S. monopoly press, until November 1, 1993. [See,
Accused of Betraying Plot To Kill Iraq's Hussein", Chicago Tribune,
- In 1991, the Elder Bush, as President, put some half
a million Americans in harm's way, by way of Bush instigating a fight over
Gulf oil properties with his former business partner, Saddam Hussein.
in the 1980s, as known to the participants in the lawsuit mentioned, Saddam
and Bush, as business partners, split billions of dollars extorted from
the oil-soaked weak sheikdoms of the Persian Gulf. The same as done by
gangsters who would extract "protection money" from shopkeepers
and tax-cheating auto dealers.
- As a sizeable stockholder of a unit of a French firm,
American LaFarge, the Elder Bush was implicated in reportedly supplying
the ingredients for poison gas to be manufactured by Iraq, to be used
Iraq's domestic dissidents, namely, the Kurds, as well as against the
during the Iran-Iraq War, 1980 to 1988. A Director of American LaFarge,
naturally, was Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of the Bush Family pal.
- Ten years after 1991, the Elder Bush's son, as
and "occupant" of the White House, installed under highly suspect
means, is going to war AGAINST HIS reputed former business partner, Osama
bin Laden. Like father, like son.
- George W. Bush's business partner has been a Houston,
Texas businessman, James R. Bath. Together, they owned an oil drilling
company, Arbusto Energy. [The son, like his father, likes to name his
with Spanish names. The Elder Bush named his firm Zapata Petroleum, later,
Zapata Offshore, with 600 units worldwide as outposts for the American
CIA, starting as early as 1959. The younger Bush's Arbusto is Spanish for
- By and through James R. Bath, George W. Bush has been
a business partner, in the tens of millions of dollars, with Osama bin
Laden and his father. As an example, Bath had many millions of dollars
of dealings with the Elder bin Laden who was part of the infamous
laundry scandal of Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI. See
the details in "The Outlaw Bank---A Wild Ride Into The Secret Heart
of BCCI", by Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne, Random House, New York,
1993, pages 227-230.
- Notice in our prior story about the Emergency, the
of Osama bin Laden's secret joint accounts (stemming from the George W.
Bush/James R. Bath/bin Laden business partnerships) in the Harris Bank,
a unit of Bank of Montreal, owned largely by the Bronfman Family, who have
been the owners of the Seagrams booze cartel, and another major owner of
the bank being U.S. Senator Peter Fitzgerald (R., Ill.). The U.S. units
of Barclays Bank, United Kingdom, have also sought to conceal such reputed
joint accounts of Osama bin Laden/James R. Bath/George W. Bush. Who can
believe the White House when they say they would freeze Osama bin Laden's
accounts if they can find them? Also please notice, in my exclusive story
about the Elder Bush/Saddam Hussein business partnership, the banks
were Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, BNL, owned in part by the Vatican, and
its bank twin, BCCI. [My exclusive story in the "Spotlight",
- So, father and son, ten years apart, George Herbert
Bush amd George W. Bush, went to war or are going to war against their
former business partners. Throughout history, regimes have created an
as a straw man, and then sent their armies to fight their
This by way of consolidating their power and diverting attention from their
domestic problems, and repressing the poorly informed populace.
- From the sarcastic standpoint of those who rule us
OUR CONSENT, in violation of the U.S. Constitution, America is becoming
too populated for there to be supposedly guaranteed rights. Remember, the
Bill of Rights is heavily packed with the word NO. It is a shield against
a tyrannical central government. At the hands, however, of a corrupt and
venal federal judiciary and a treasonous central government, and a bought
off and blackmailed Congress, the Bill of Rights is a worthless, useless
piece of paper. The cowardly mass media are mere scriveners, writing down
what they are dictated.
- Under the disguise of leading a religious
against the Moslem world, every utterance dripping with the word
are the ruling elites in the process of overthrowing the American
- Who all benefitted from treasonous prior knowledge of
the violence against America on September 11, 2001? Are some flag officers
in the U.S. military, with full knowledge of all this, opposed to going
to a war instigated by the highest circles WITHIN THE UNITED STATES? More
- Stay tuned.
- ====================================================
- Since 1958, Mr. Skolnick has been a court-reformer, and
since 1963,
- Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee To Clean Up the
- Since 1991, a regular panelist and since 1995,
of a
- one-hour, weekly, public access Cable TV program,
- cablecast within Chicago to upwards of 400,000 viewers
each Monday
- evening, 9 p.m., Channel 21 Cable TV.
For a heavy packet of our printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. funds] and
a stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS size envelope [#10 envelope, 4-1/8 x
- Citizen's Committee to Clean up the Courts
Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman,
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL
60617-4870. Office, 8 a.m. to midnight, most 7 days
- "JUST ROUTINE" CALLS- (773) 375-5741. For a
recorded message update, a
- regular phone call, not expensive, (773) 731-1100.
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