It Helps To Have Connections
By Jonathan Ashley

Dallas attorney Robert Jordan was confirmed Wednesday by the United States Senate to serve as ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
Jordan has no diplomatic experience. However, his connections leave no doubt as to why he was named to the post. He defended George W. Bush in a probe of insider trading allegations in 1990. The allegations involved the sale by Bush of 60% of his Harken Energy Corp. stocks two months before a 25% drop in the stock's price. According to a 7 Sep 2000 article by the Associated Press, "At the time of the investigation, Bush's father was president of the United States and the SEC was run by one of his biggest political supporters, Richard Breeden. The SEC's then-general counsel, James R. Doty, was another staunch presidential supporter who as a private attorney was George W. Bush's lawyer when he purchased his share of the Texas Rangers baseball team."
This is not Jordan's only connection to the Bush family. Jordan is a corporate lawyer in the Dallas office of Houston-based Baker Botts. Baker Botts has an office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The client list at Baker Botts includes "more than half of the Fortune 100 companies". The client list also includes The Carlyle Group. On the board of directors for Carlyle is former President George Herbert Walker Bush.
James A. Baker III is the current Baker in Baker Botts. Baker was Secretary of State under the first President Bush. He is currently senior counsel to The Carlyle Group. Baker was a classmate of Donald H. Rumsfeld at Yale University. Rumsfeld, the current Secretary of Defense, was the roommate of Frank C. Carlucci at Yale.
Carlucci, who was head of the National Security Counsel under President Ronald Reagan, is currently chairman of The Carlyle Group.
The current President Bush was a director of Caterair during the years 1990-1994. Caterair is owned by The Carlyle Group.
The board of directors of The Carlyle Group also includes: former Phillipines President Fidel V. Ramos, former director of the U.S. Office of Management & Budget Richard Darman, former Assistant to the President (Bush I) Robert Grady, the Prime Minister of South Korea, Park Tae Joon, former SEC chairman Arthur Levitt, former Prime Minister of Great Britain John Major, former general director of the World Health Organization Michael Orloff, retired U.S. Army General J. H. Binford Peay, former president of Deutsche Bundesbank Karl Otto Pohl, and former chairman of the Joint Chief's of Staff John Shalikashvili.
Two-thirds of Carlyle's holding are in defense and telecommunications companies.
At leaset $2 million of Carlyle funding has come from the bin Laden family of Saudi Arabia.

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