- Paper Says FBI Blocked Plan To Foil N.Y.
- NEW YORK (Reuters) - Law
enforcement offlcials planned to thwart the bombing of the World Trade
Center by substituting harmless powder for explosives, but the scheme was
called off by the FBl, a newspaper reported today.
- Tape recordings secretly made by an FBI informer reveal
that authorities were in a far better position than previously known to
foil the Feb. 26 bombing of New York's tallest towers, the New York Times
- Four men are now on trial for carrying out that bombing,
in which six died and more than 1,000 were injured.
- The New York Times published conversations the informer,
a 43 year-old former Egyptian army officer, Emad Ali Salem, taped with
his FBI handlers.
- On the tapes, Salem recalls that the FBI had planned
on "building the bomb with a phony powder and grabbing the people
who were involved in it."
- But the informer. who is heard lecturing his handlers,
said the powder scheme was called off and "we didn't do
- Salem also is heard on the tapes criticizing the agents
for ignoring his warnings that the World Trade Center was to be
- "Guys, now you saw this bomb went off and you both
know that we could avoid that," the newspaper quoted him as
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