Survivalist Beach On
WTC/Pentagon Attacks
Note - We present Mr. Beach's comments on occasion. He
has a large following and has been an active proponent of
self-reliance and self-sufficiency for a number of years.
From Bruce Beach

While I said that September would be an exciting month, it has started out as much so as I thought it would end up.

Things have indeed accelerated. While others speculated Bin Laden as being the instigator - I myself have favored Saddam.

Old Bin would have the finances - but not the technical resources. Saddam runs an Air Force - as embarrassed as it may have been in the past.

Lots of pilots, committed crew, Western trained, and often English speaking.

Should the conclusion of the investigators match my speculations that Saddam was a major player - action can come very quickly. Two to four weeks is my best guess.

The Bush Bunch is anxious to get back at Saddam in any case - for as they would say "American interests" - but you can read that as "Oil Industry Interests" as a minimum.

American emotions will rage high anyway- and the flames are being fanned. A "cowardly act", a "day in infamy", and all that.

An evil act yes, but not at all cowardly. It took a lot of courage to do - what those terrorists did.

Then there is the matter of why they felt justified: Bombs on Baghdad. Bombs on Bosnia. Bombs on babes - throughout the world.

Alienation. Leave home after breakfast - fly high above the clouds - drop your bombs on unseen targets - and be home for supper - in time to take the boys out to Little League practice. Those are our heroes.

The new US fleet will be unmanned bombers. So tell me about cowardliness. But better yet - to understand anger. Theirs and ours.

It is not "envy" of America - as one of the Pentagon Generals said. It is anger at America - who backs the killers of their children and economies.

But America is about to go through the seven steps of Tragedy. Presently shock and disbelief. Soon, already, mounting anger.

Anger. The reflection of fear- calls for Fight or Flight. America will Fight. Saddam should be shaking in his sandals.

The sound of the blast has not yet faded - but soon we will hear the roll of the drums. And what will be the response on the other side? Destroy Israel!

The missiles are already in place. The chemical and biological warheads ready. The joint battle plans of Iraq and Syria already drawn. The commitment made.

Israel too is ready. No longer will Bush be saying to Sharon - "Restraint!" The only thing that can "save" Israel from being overrun - or wiped out by chemicals and biologicals is - nuclear.

Incomprehensible to Americans - but more important events than the World Trade Towers took place earlier this week.

The President of China had given Taiwan an offer they can't refuse. (But they will.) Telling them that they can keep their government currency economic system customs officers and all present officials - that Mainland China would not impose on them any regulations officials or taxes. BUT they- TAIWAN HAD TO SAY - there is ONE China.

Nothing more to be negotiated - Taiwan got it all. Even more than Arrafat with return of territories and division of Jerusalem. But Taiwan, like Arrafat, will refuse. That was the purpose of the offer - to show that the situation is unresolvable through negotiation. Now - the other solution will be implemented.

At the same time - last week - Russia moved 250 Bison Bombers into proximity to Alaskan and Canadian airspace. Both of these in anticipation of expected events in the Middle East late September - early October.

But all of this has now been accelerated. The Terrorists toppled the Towers - and the stock market - and the economy - and the "peace process" - and the serenity of society.

I am amazed - that there has been this additional warning. I cannot understand how many will still not see - but many will not.

Peace and love, Bruce Beach


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