Hepatitis-C - The Plague
Of Revelation
By Patricia Doyle, PhD

IS BSE or its human counterpart nvCJD really the medical nightmare and crisis of Y2K+?
I am on record as saying that HCV, not nvCJD, will be, and IS, the real medical nightmare. HCV is the silent killer. I really believe that MORE people in the US, at this time, are infected with HCV then with HIV. Most do not know that they have HCV.
Many American Veterans are being diagnosed with HCV each day. HCV is already a nightmare for the military. The Prison system is also overwhelmed and was caught off-guard by the HCV crisis.
HCV is an American and World crisis...and no one seems to know it.
My next project will be investigating origin of HCV. I am especially looking into a vaccine connection. As you know, I believe that I contracted the virus via flu shot vaccine.
A colleague has just put the finishing touches on a new book about HCV in the military. She connects Yellow Fever vaccine given to military personnel. She also mentioned that her husband, a Viet Nam vet was given a "clandestine" solo shot and told it was for spinal meningitis. Remember, at that time, circa 1967, there was NO meningitis vaccine. So, if it really was meningitis vaccine, it was experimental and unapproved.
Why are so many baby boomers infected with HCV? (myself included) I do not wish to hear about a Woodstock Generation, freelove, and drug use.) Only a small percentage of people conducted themselves in that manner. So, why are so many people of my generation being diagnosed with HCV? People, like myself, who have had NO risk factors for the disease, are now, being diagnosed with liver disease and told that we have Hepatitis C.
IF my colleague is correct, and military vaccines were responsible for the origin of HCV, then the epidemiology of the HCV OUTBREAK began in the military. As military personnel were discharged and went back to civilian life, the disease then entered the civilian population. Many military people donated blood, entered into marriage, went to dentists, etc. Ergo, 35+ years later, we see HCV exploding on the American and World scene.
I am further looking into the possibility that Polio and other vaccines given to the baby boomer generation, might be responsible for widening the HCV demographics.
I think it, i.e. HCV, will utterly bankrupt the Health Care System. I also think that the Government will begin to (sadly) look at "mercy killing" as an option. Many of us won't live to receive and spend our retirement checks.
Most people think HCV is a drug user's problem, or a problem for people who engage in risky sex. They console themselves by rationalizing that HCV is a prisoner's problem or military problem. They don't know that it is THEIR problem.
Many military people came back from Viet Nam and re-entered Civilian life, ...some with HCV. Now, as many as (in some states) ONE THIRD of the prison population is infected with HCV, many of whom will go on to re-enter civilian life.
Sooner or later, HCV is everyone's problem and we are all at risk. Perhaps, the dental patient who left the dental chair just before you sat down in it had HCV? Are you sure that you won't need a blood transfusion in your lifetime? Have you had your ears pierced?
Imperial College lab in the UK was working on ALTERING HCV. HCV/Dengue? Their project was shut down because they "had placed their lab personnel at risk" for exposure to altered HCV. Does that mean aerosolized (spread by breathing) or vectorized HCV?
Someday, will we have to worry about the person sitting next to us on an airliner or city bus? Do we need to worry that he or she is infected with HCV?
HCV = The Great Plague of "Revelation."
I will keep you updated as to my progress investigating HCV.
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at:
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