Mystery In The Skies - ET UFOs
Or Human-Made Aerial AI? - Part I
By Brenda Livingston
Living-Tracer Enterprises

First Photos/Videos/Reports Of Contrail Objects
The "Tracer Project" began in the winter of 1999 with a clear sighting of a star-light then a white oval object above a white billowing persistent contrail (PC) formed by what appeared to be a KC-135 aircraft. (see Within a few months of gathering numerous sighting reports and photos/videos in 1999, it became obvious that these elusive objects and their contrail remnant "clouds" were associated with an unusual type of contrail. The objects --usually spherical or oval in shape --had commonalities that could be divided easily into categories according to size, shape, color, behavior and location.
~ While I was documenting and trying to make sense of these spectacular first sightings, a sighting was reported by Matthew Duran of Albuquerque, New Mexico who witnessed a silver ball move within a contrail and hover (see On March 16 other simialr sightings were reported which included an employee of Peterson AFB in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a woman in Pennsylvania (see and report at above 'original' link).
Later that spring on 5/7/99, Gary Graham of Phoenix, Arizona was trying out his new digital camera photographing PCs and caught a rounded light colored object with two trailing dark ones on one frame (
~ In May of 2000, Gregory Avery, attorney and State Director of Louisiana MUFON provided Tracers the first excellent videos of PC associated objects. See and http://tracers.GAvideo.htm for video captures and a description of the full video. Avery's video for the first time shows a PC being laid and zoom video of both large spherical white objects and smaller darker objects which he refers to as "pucks" stationary within the contrail left behind.
While shooting a segment of his video, Avery spotted a bizarre looking object(s) seeming spinning below the spreading contrail. This object(s) was captured on video and appears upon close observation to be several dark objects moving quickly around a lighter colored one -- releasing a dark particulate. White "cloudy" appearing spheres with dark objects "attached" can be seen moving out of this freshly laid persistent contrail, spinning below it and returning into the contrail multiple times. (See Filer's File # 37 for George Filer's observations of Avery's video)
In Avery's video, shortly after the dispersal of the contrail, the PC begins to spread and the darker objects move out of the contrail as do larger white objects with the darker ones attached. This "attachment" or "nudging against" is usually on opposing sides of the white object two or four dark objects affixed opposing one another along the exterior. With very large white objects, there may be more darker objects attached around the perimeter.
Those darker objects independent of the white objects "swarm" beneath the PC and in and out of the nearby clouds -- some hovering and slowly moving within and on the edges of these clouds. This swarming activity takes place at extreme speeds --the objects often reversing directions in a split second at times the objects moving very close to one another. While the white/dark object "combination" objects do move at extreme speeds and join one another in various combinations themselves -- so far these have not been observed in the swarming behavior exhibited by the darker objects.
~ Santiago Yturria of Ovni Investigacions Mexico provided a report to Jeff Rense and Tracers regarding a multiple witness (15+) sighting as they stood in a parking lot in Monterrey, Mexico. A news crew was called to the scene and proceeded to videotape what appeared to the witnesses a dark "morphing" object above them. Aircraft pilots attempting to land were alerted and also reported observing the objects. (See full report at /mont.htm)
Enhancements appear to show this "morphing" object to be in actuality four separate objects -- one stationary with three objects moving extremely fast around one another exuding a dark gaseous substance. (See for enhancements) This low altitude activity witnessed by multiple witnesses in Mexico on September 12, 1999 certainly sounds similar to that witnessed by Greg Avery in Louisiana on May 7, 2000 just eight months later.
A multitude of witnesses have reported seeing clusters of rather large spherical objects appearing to fly together as in a flock or swarm around one another.
On 3-8-01 in Portland, Oregon at about 5:30 p.m. three persons reported witnessing 100 or so golden spheres. "They moved in the way flocks of birds do in relation to each other (though even more so the way embers from a fire slowly waft skyward.) There appeared to be no visible wings, and they made no particular sound, so only nearby traffic could be heard. The orbs sort of drifted, corkscrew-like, up and down the column-like concentration of orbs that hovered around the "center" of the group. The sun was very bright, and not blocked, and the rays fully hit the spheres, making it hard to discern what they actually were. The sun made the cloud behind the orbs particularly dark and smokey-looking, and one could not see through it. This event lasted about 10 minutes, until all the orbs had drifted into cloud cover, and as cloud cover moved over them."
~ In his photographs taken in the Pacific Northwest in May 2000, Michael Bonniker also captured a snapshot of similar looking objects. These darker objects (17 in all) appear simultaneously at various levels in his photograph -- ranging from ground level near evergreen trees to higher altitudes in front of large banks of clouds. The darker objects appear to be dark brown in color having an amorphous shell surrounding them -- the shape varying from spheroidal to oval during their flight--thus appearing almost identical to the darker objects captured in Avery's video. (see for Bonnicker's dark objects and for Avery's video captures of similar dark objects).
Recently, Tracers acquired excellent video from Doug McGinnis taken on June 6, 2001 over Westpoint, Texas. This video clearly shows contrails containing both the white and dark objects. This clearest video yet reveals zoomed close-ups of a white spherical object with darker objects attached -- and multiple objects maneuvering across the sky at beyond lightning speeds.
McGinnis' video (still being analyzed) seems to illustrate the agility and speed at which these objects can fly. The objects performance capabilities include: hovering, slow travel accelerating to extreme speeds (an estimated 15-20K per second), quick reversals in direction seeming "lighter than air", swooping to low altitude over a house and back up to contrails all in under a second in time -- wildly surpassing any publicly-known human aerial vehicle or UAV. (See
~ Rick Moors of Santa Monica, California has provided Tracers with many extraordinary photographs of PCs and what appears to be the release of hundreds of objects -- illustrating for the first time a particular kind of dispersal pattern. Upon enlargement and detailed study of many of Moors' photographs, it became apparent that the darker objects line the outer edges of some persistent contrails--with larger white spherical objects occupying the interior. (See and
Also apparent in Moor's photos is the strange white substance contained within the PC -- surrounding the objects. Witness observation, photos and videos all document that as objects move from a persistent contrail, often they 'drag' a white flowing substance with them. These same remnants from the PC often form the strange white smooth flowing and wisping "clouds" we have witnessed in our skies over the last few years.
This movement of objects out of PCs could also account for the "bi-directional" flows of the contrail substance from the originally laid contrail. (see and for examples)
Mystery Objects: Human Manufactured Robots ?
It would appear we have only two options as to the source of PCs and their cohort objects. Either we are witnessing at the remnants of back-engineering of ET camouflage and/or UFO propulsion or a massive human robotic release into the atmosphere covering the entire planet.
Materials for the upper air distribution or creation of robotic devices, advanced energy sources, mass communications, coolants, camouflage, radar jamming or all of these in combination might produce by-products or 'waste' in the atmosphere....which may account for the "white haze" and "angel hair" falls and other strange atmospheric changes witnessed by PC observers.
Perhaps we should look (albeit superficially at publicly released levels) at what is being researched and developed at universities with government/defense department support. It is conceivable that human R&D projects have produced antigravity devices with electromagnetic properties driven by superconductivity and fashioned out of extremely cheap, light weight and close to fluid materials. Centrally core chips may be surrounded by not only needed energy sources but may bond temporarily as needed to other independent robotic hosts consisting of synthetic nanotech components.
With the ability to fly at astronomical speeds, these objects could perform various autonomous tasks from weather, geographical/terrain or human tracking information gathering-- to sensing and enzymatic neutralization of atmospheric toxins and biological /chemical weaponry.
I - Aerial Robotics
According to Intelligent Automation Inc. (IAI): "[D]uring November and December 1999, IAI was awarded $3 million dollars in new multi-year research contracts from DOD and NASA. These projects over a wide range of technology and enable us to continue along our established research paths in such areas as fuzzy logic based low power consumption, noise elimination, intelligent agent infrastructure development, robotics, system health monitoring and time modulated ultra-wideband radar."
While very little is mentioned about the capabilities of aerial robots at many universities -- other than two to ten foot drones and UAVs (aircraft and helicopter styles) that can only travel at 40 mph for 40 minutes -- there is talk about the usefullness of aerial and ground units working in "many robot" tasks and functions.
In "The Examination and Exploration of Algorithms and Complex Behaviour to Realistically Control Multiple Mobile Robots", Duncan Crombie, in his 1997 thesis examines the potential for aerial robots in the military setting:
[ ]
"...Of a more serious nature, military applications could include offensive robotic swarms that home in on a target and attack en masse. The approach of a large number of mobile robots or drones could confuse and more easily infiltrate a security or defence system than a single large unit. Also being researched by the US military is the concept of replacing military satellites with 'constellations' of small mobile units[4]. This makes the destruction of the satellite much harder as it could still function with reduced numbers...."
IAI's communications development project 'Communications for Non Line of Sight Applications' "...employs the coordinated control of a swarm of small unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) to serve as nodes in a communications network between a ground station controller and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs). IAI will use an OTS UAV for this project; however, we have designed and built our own micro-UAV (MUAV) and microrovers for other applications."
In addition, "[t]he Navy is testing unmanned mini-submarines at its Space and Naval Warfare Systems Centre in San Diego. It is also developing unmanned hovercraft that resemble fictional 1950s-vintage flying saucers. The flying craft gather intelligence while hovering quietly...." (see
For more information regarding multi-agent robot systems, "flocking" and "swarming" (detection/collision avoidance/communication among groups of robots) AI learning and evolutionary concepts -- see the following sites and references: (Thesis Re: Flocking & Swarming Behavior) (Applet illustrating "Flocking" maneuvers) (Applets for Neural Networks & Artificial Life) (Research In Multi-Agent Systems) (Collision Detection Packages)
A. Wu, A.C. Schultz, and A. Agah. Evolving control for distributed micro air vehicles. In IEEE Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation Engineers Conference, 1999.
The research, theory and mobile robot competitions at college campuses abounds -- but can they fly now...and fly with extreme speed and agility as appears to be exhibited on video and eyewitness reports? The size of the PC objects caught on tape appear to be ranging from 10-20 feet in diameter certainly not the size of MAVs or other micro aerial designs. Do these designers have at present the capability of flying spherical bodies 20 feet in diameter which can hover, attach to other bodies and operate at these extreme speeds?
According to Virginia Young, chief of the concept lab in Alabama's Aviation Missile Research Development and Engineering Centre -- robot functions are still limited by shortcomings in artificial intelligence. For now, systems run by remote control within sight of the operator, or are guided by the operator using the machine's onboard sensors. Truly autonomous robots that think for themselves are at least a decade away.
What are we to believe? Are there no MAVs or aerial robots flying in our atmosphere? Or are there UFO-like robots already deployed with complex sensors to hover and zip over our communities and through our upper atmosphere--collecting enormous bits of information regarding the climate, weather, government and military projects (i.e., over-the-horizon radar, mass communications, bio/chem checks, pollutant decontamination) and the personal lives of US and world denizens?
With what appears to be a limitless speed, agility and energy supply for these "objects" in the sky -- is there human technology that can make this enormous feat possible?
Anti-Gravity & Superconductors
Although there is certainly much research into the area of antigrav Mach8+ high G force flight with anti-detection devices and materials, no evidence as of yet has surfaced that any government, military, corporate entity has mastered the capability of flight exhibiting by these contrail-associated objects.
While little is surfacing on the prospects of black project anti-gravity flight of objects large or small, some discoveries are coming to light as described in the November 2000 issue of IEEE "The Institute". Greg Gillespie reports that a Finnish researcher discovers a gravity-change effect:
"Dr. Eugene Podkletnov, a researcher at the Tampere University of Technology, Finland, reported that during a superconductivity experiment, tests showed a small drop in the weight of objects placed over a device made up of a rotating superconducting ceramic disk suspended over a magnetic field produced by three electric coils enclosed in a cryostat. The latest experiments by the Finnish researchers have reportedly registered a 2 percent drop in the weight of objects suspended over the cryostat..."
(See Superconductors and Gravity research by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center regarding YBCO superconductors and gravity at and for the 9/28/00 article outlining the story of research and development)
Although various energy sources are on the theoreticians tables, at present what flying robots are presented in publicly accessed publications and in Aerial Robot Competitions are fuel powered and propeller driven vehicles. (see
II - Advanced Materials Research
New advanced alloys and materials are being researched and developed which exhibit at least some of the aspects of the "mystery objects" possible composition...but do they cover all the components necessary and are they in current usage in aerial flight?
The constituents of PC-related objects would likely be heat-resistant, light-weight, highly flexible, inexpensive materials -- each robot utilizing atmospheric elements and self-produced energy/gases and containing autonomous artificial intelligence MEMs units with numerous sensors/attentuators. [The cost of creating and distributing the propeller gas-powered aerial craft currently being tested have been quoted at approximately $1000 a bot.]
The PC objects witnessed and photographed worldwide appear to be acutely flexible and adaptable to various functions. The white vapor-enveloped core are surrounded by shape-changing darker units which either make use of the white object in some way and/or propel it through the atmosphere. What advanced materials manufactured by humans could accomplish these feats while moving through the atmosphere from 0-hover to 30K feet per second?
The answer might lie with latest greatest science-military-corporate brainchild ...the new generation of polymers...chains of carbon atoms with links with other atoms such as oxygen, silicon, sulphur & phosphorus (most common) some forming cystalline or semi-crystalline solids...other liquids or melts.
Silk-like polymers and new metal alloys are changing our world -- used in the development of everything from exceedingly strong materials for aircraft to semiconductor nanoparticles and superconductors. (For a review of the attributes of polymers see "Building with Snakes - the Physics of Long-Chain Molecules" a lecture by Adrian R. Rennie) Silk-like synthetic polymers may be connected to the substance within persistent contrails and falling "Angel Hair". See more about "Angel Hair" and its potential connections with UFOs and persistent contrails at
Bioactive polymers will be used as biological sensors-- sensing physical functions and blood levels of pharmaceuticals. Electroactive polymers that can "move" upon electrical stimulation can be used one day to replace damaged muscles and in the meantime used as windshield wipers on a Mars-bound robot. Optoelectric polymers are now used to create thin film transistors, electro luminescent flat panel displays and chemical sensors.
Of particular interest to materials researchers are smart materials, especially shape memory alloys, and their application to the construction of robots...Research on shape memory alloys has produced melt-grown single crystal shape memory rods of Cu-12 to 14% Al-3 to 4% Ni, about 1/8 inch diameter and one foot long demonstrating "step-like" behavior. Some exhibit heat-based movements -- contracting with heat and expanding with cool temperatures.
The memory rods are also superelastic and they have a reactive stress of up to 400 MPa. They are being used as actuators, thermosensitive elements, superelastic hinges, flexible electrical contacts and probes, and antennae. Specifically, researchers have made robot arms with finger grippers with four degrees of freedom, a robotic "pipecrawler", a thermosensor for channel blocking in response to a fire...and other exceptionally flexible and responsive materials. (for general information about shape memory alloys (SMAs). (See for information about Shape Memory Alloys)
Ongoing research at major universities at universities in the US and overseas continues regarding electrically controlled tunable holographic filters using photorefractive lithium niobate and barium titanate. These can be used in fiber optics, for tunable semiconductor lasers and as monochromic light sources. Barium titinate is also at the core of visual units of newly developed robotics.
Without any features of conventional aerodynamic flight and sweeping away the problems of material heating and drag of bluff spherical or oval shaped objects, what is keeping these 'magic machines' aloft and together?
While strong, light-weight and flexible materials are being created -- are these the substance of the PC objects? To solve this mystery, more evidence from persistent contrails, falling remnants and even the object themselves which can be realistically connected to specific contrails will be necessary to show a link to advanced materials created in private and public laboratories around the globe.
And What If These Contrail Objects Are Beyond Our Current Technology?
If these objects are not made by human hands -- which is a possibility -- we will have to look much further and deeper into the activities of these "mystery objects" and consider their potential function in our atmosphere. Based upon observations and information gathered from photographs and videos, they seen to be performing a variety of functions which suggest weather control, atmos-forming and cloaking of larger objects.
Perhaps these objects (for lack of a more definitive description) have always been here as an undiscovered part of our planet and are now using contrails as a novel form of transportation?
Research has just begun in attempting to identify and track not only specific types of persistent contrails and unusual contrail patterns, but to gather data from observations, high altitude photos/videos and satellite images of these particular object's activity. It is believed that with diligence, these objects could be systematically observed visually and digitally and tracked.
If what we are attempting to research is not human made technology... then we are dealing with a unexplained terrestrial environmental event/entity/species, an extraterrestrial entity or object or an "event" that has yet to be discovered or revealed by current science. Obviously, this presents multiple problems for those attempting to observe and gather physical or photographic evidence. (see MUFON Director John Scheussler's "Detection & Identification Of UFOs Using Existing Technology" at
Yet if researchers are attempting to uncover a physical entity or ethereal form beyond current technology or scientific understanding is this research expected to conform to current scientific method, tests and measurements which likely are incapable of measuring superior and advanced technology or lifeforms?
It certainly appears that UFO researchers are called to incorporate the designs of social science, apply the most appropriate scientific methodology while expanding the intuitive and interactive aspects of understanding. Perhaps a new science which includes astro, exo and crypto biological, social, behavioral and interactive components in addition to technological knowledge is in order.
Contact with either undiscovered life forms indigenous to this planet or extraterrestrial life is not only profound in the realm of scientific discovery it is a profound human awakening to and interaction with the unknown. Because of the very nature of this type of research -- researchers from a variety of perspectives looking at the persistent contrail phenomena -- may be required to move beyond the constraints of human systems and scientific approaches forging new pathways of understanding this phenomena... if its origin remain unexplained by human research and development.


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