Mysterious Goo In Lake
Superior Baffles Biologists
By Sam Cook
Outdoors Writer
Duluth News Tribune

Some people call it "goo.''
Some people think it looks like clear globs of tapioca pudding.
But so far, nobody knows for sure what the clear globules are that have been showing up in Lake Superior over the past few days.
Swimmers have noticed them floating in the water off Park Point. A research crew from the Natural Resources Research Institute collected some there Thursday. Jeff Gunderson, associate director of Minnesota Sea Grant, collected samples of the globules Monday off Park Point and Brighton Beach.
Although some of the globules have been examined under microscopes, no biologists have yet been able to determine what the goo is.
Jeff Schuldt of NRRI describes the goo as "transparent, gelatinous spheres'' not quite as big as peas.
"We've looked at it under a microscope, and there doesn't appear to be any kind of animal inside of it,'' Schuldt said.
"We don't know if it's organic or inorganic yet,'' Gunderson said.
"I don't know what inorganic would form a shape like that, but I don't want to guess what organic would be making that much slime, either,'' Schuldt said.
Nobody who has swum in Lake Superior amid the globules, including Schuldt, has reported any adverse effects from it.
Biologists are reasonably sure the goo isn't fish eggs, Gunderson said.
"If it were a fish egg, there would be some cells dividing in there. We're not seeing any definition in there whatsoever,'' he said. "There's such a huge volume of it in so many places. It's like an algae bloom, but it's not algae. I'm going to pursue it with the chemistry department at UMD to see if it's a protein.''
The slime coat on a fish is made up of protein, Gunderson said.
Schuldt and others were researching fish and water quality Thursday, Schuldt said, when some young swimmers asked the researchers what the goo was. That's when Schuldt began collecting it for analysis at at the research institute.
The St. Louis County Health Department had not heard about the globules and declined to comment on the reports.
Gunderson has studied Lake Superior organisms for 22 years at Sea Grant and has never seen anything like this, he said.
He found similar globules Thursday while out on UMD's Blue Heron research vessel. Those samples are believed to have come from the lake's bottom in 300 feet of water, Gunderson said.
Gunderson plans to check with biologists on lakes Huron, Michigan and Ontario to see if they have seen anything like this.
"It's a little disturbing (not knowing what it is),'' Schuldt said. "We're going to have to try to identify it somehow.''
Cook is a News Tribune columnist and outdoors writer.
Call him at (218) 723-5332 or (800) 456-8282.
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