- Is the United Nations threat to America freedoms genuine?
For years, I shrugged such a farfetched notion off. I would listen
to very earnest folks who spouted a seemingly endless stream of dire
about global and one-world government. I reckoned they had fallen under
the influence of the conspiracy conjecturers and spent too much time
spy thrillers and watching science fiction.
- As I researched the plight of farmers, ranchers, miners,
loggers and other people who made their living from the land, it became
apparent that their livelihoods and homes were being annihilated by
treaties and agreements. Global pacts hidden darkly in the background
drove major federal government actions that were hostile to people who
work the land.
- The first lighting bolt of reality exploded into my
brain when a very knowledgeable scholar gave me a copy of a 1972
law paper by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources (IUCN) Morges, Switzerland. In the IUCN paper, The Easement as
a Conservation Technique, chapter two, titled, "The Need for
Easements in the United States" explains how governmental agencies
can regulate private property without owning or paying for it. It also
suggests that CEs are a method for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
to achieve regulatory authority. It further explains how state and federal
constitutional private property rights laws could be circumvented.
- In researching the IUCN I found that they are the
agency of the United Nations, bringing together 76 states, 111 government
agencies, 732 NGOs, 36 affiliates, and some 10,000 scientists and experts
from 181 countries. Their membership list of signatory American agencies
and NGO has dumbfounded me.
- U.S agencies with IUCN membership and providing funding
include: Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, Department of the
Interior, National Park Service, U.S. Agency for International Development,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce
and Department of State.
- A very few of the many IUCN NGOs members are: The Nature
Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, Environmental Defense Fund, National
Audubon Society, National Parks and Conservation Association, National
Wildlife Federation, and Natural Resources Defense Council. In fact, almost
all of the Major NGOs who are wreaking ruin on proud and productive
are IUCN signatories.
- Further research proved that The Tax Reform Act of 1976
incorporated principles favorable to the IUCN vision. Virtually, elements
of the act were a rubber stamp of the IUCN agenda. Simply summed up, their
agenda is global environmental regulation. To regulate the world
they must of course, regulate the people.
- I followed that thread into the spool and stumbled on
a United Nations website, U.N. Protected Areas in the United States. The
website contained 129 fine-print pages of U.N. Protected areas in America!
129! Millions upon millions of acres of our country are listed. Those
areas are regulated by the IUCN. When I compared the U.N protected areas
to regions that are under fire from federal regulators and environmental
takings that force people from the land, I found they are the same.
- Other documents also have severely unnerved me. The
Nations Program of Action of the International Conference on Population
and Development produced a how-to-manual, The Forced Relocation of Rural
Populations, which was distributed in Africa and included the stated
"To foster a more balanced spatial distribution of the population
by promoting in an integrated manner equitable and ecologically sustainable
- One of the concepts advanced in the U.N paper will ring
true to countless rural Americans who helplessly watched their lives be
destroyed by environmental regulations. "When rural resident
are denied access to the natural resources essential to their livelihoods,
they will be forced by economics to relocate."
- Our own government has two publications in print that
will raise your hackles: The first, Your Rights and Benefits as a Displaced
Person, (Publication No. FHWA-PD-95-010) states, "Government programs
designed to benefit the public often result in acquisition of private
and sometimes in the displacement of people from their residences,
or farms." The other pamphlet, Acquiring Real Property for Federal
and Federal Aid Programs and Projects (Publication No. FHWA-PD-95 005),
spells out how the government can take your land. The U.S Government
and the U. N. Manual have analogous themes.
- The Endangered Species Act is a concrete example of the
authoritarian power of international treaties over Americans rights and
property. Read U.S. Code 16, Sec. 1531 (a) (4) Congressional Findings and
Declaration of Purposes and Policy. You will find that the Endangered
Act is conformable to and in accordance with:
- (A) migratory bird treaties with Canada and
- (B) the Migratory and Endangered Bird Treaty
with Japan;
- (C) the Convention on Nature Protection and
- Preservation in the Western Hemisphere;
- (D) the International Convention for the
- Fisheries;
- (E) the International Convention for the High
Seas Fisheries
- of the North Pacific Ocean;
- (F) the Convention on International Trade in
- Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; and
- (G) other international agreements
- In a mockery of the "advice and consent"
placed upon the Senate by our Constitution, the U.S. Senate ratified 34
international treaties without debate, without a vote, and almost without
notice during the 106th Congress.
- So, am I hearing the flutter of black helicopter rotors
and the goose-stepping tread of foreign troops? No. However, the evidence
that our freedoms are being methodically destroyed by federal agencies
that kowtow to international powers is both concrete and public.
- The clamor to get America out of The U.N. is direly
If our country is to regain sovereignty, we must abrogate all international
treaties and require that our federal bureaus withdraw from U.N pawn
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