Len Horowitz - Wildfires
Likely Linked To
Energy Industry Plot
For Immediate Release
Contact Elaine Zacky

SANDPOINT, Idaho - As smoke and flames from several Western wildfires draw nearer to his home, award winning health science writer, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, is marshalling a grassroots "firefight." He is e-mailing photographs evidencing possible white collar arsons to America's leading legislators, media sources, and activist groups. The incriminating photos raise the spectre of an apparent U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), plot to help energy industrialists generate skyrocketing electrical rates and political support for new nuclear power plant constructions.
In an effort to stop the swell of blazes believed to be more often generated by greedy conspirators than natural lightning strikes, Dr. Horowitz-a Harvard trained public health investigator and bestselling author of several books in the government cover-up genre-is calling for congressional and independent investigators to study new evidence linking much of the current and past year's forest fires, largely clustered around his home state, to nearby military and DoE operations that evidence ties to atomic energy industrialists and the AEC.
The telling photographs, posted on his publisher's website at, include ones taken in Arco, a southern Idaho town adjacent to the DoE managed National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory (INEEL)-a major nuclear depository, testing facility, and nuclear submarine training center. Arco, coincidentally the name of the petroleum company principally controlled, until recently, by the British oligarchy, proudly promotes itself as "the first city in the world lighted by atomic power." Additional photos were taken in northern Idaho from Lake Pend Oreille, home to the U.S. Navy's satellite-controlled "Cutthroat" submarine, and the estate of Mr. Klaus Groenke-a leading German-American real estate and banking industrialist with high level diplomatic connections, including a trustee post at the American Academy in Berlin, joining Dr. Henry Kissinger, the diplomatic outpost's honorary chairman and cofounder.
Mr. Groenke's estate boasts a series of triangulated satellite dishes, extensive antennae arrays, and curious metal "art." Included here is a huge weather vane with three pivoting lightning strikes, or inverted "Ss," identical to the symbols used by the Nazi SS during their reign of terror. Curiously, INEEL's logo shows the same symbols decoded with the alphanumerics common to the British Secret Service (MI6) to denote "666." The coding method, and the Groenke estate itself, is described by Dr. Horowitz and neighbors as seemingly "out of a James Bond, Ian Flemming, novel." Across the yard stands a more prominent red metal sculpture that electromagnetic engineering expert, Al Bielek, previously with the government's top secret Montauk Project, says satisfies the triangulated pyramidal design of a "delta-T" energy transmitter. Suspiciously, all of these structures lie midway on a mapped axis between the Navy base and a suspected lightning generator encased in aluminum. National Forest Service (NSF) officials dismiss this building on "Lunch Peak" as a "fire watch station." It has, however, been reported by several area residents to be curiously associated with bizarre lightning events and stupefied animal behavior.
"The Lunch Peak-Navy station axis bisects a triangle made by three microwave 'Electronic Sites' according to NFS maps," Dr. Horowitz explained. "These intriguing elements provide electromagnetic frequency generating capabilities consistent with a long history of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) experiments in weather modification, earthquake production, and lightning generation." Extensive background on these programs is detailed in Dr. Horowitz's book, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2001; 1-888-508-4787). "Given our current understanding of the British Secret Service's alphanumerics, like that used by MI6 in which the multiples of six are associated with each letter of the English alphabet (i.e., A=6, B=12, C=18 . . . Z=156), the 'military intelligence' code for MI6 deciphers to '66,' as does the double 'S' in 'SS,' along with the double 'X' in EXXON," Dr. Horowitz continued. "As the winds change direction to fuel these horrific forest fires, it is highly suspicious that Mr. Groenke's three lightning strike weather vane of pivoting 'Ss' forms this same double 'X' symbol denoting '66' while simulating two Nazi swastikas."
Dr. Horowitz believes it is no innocent coincidence that "XX," "SS," and "MI6," all code for "66," as in Phillips 66-an oil company merged with the Rockefeller family's Chevron Corporation in 2000 to form Chevron-Phillips. Only months earlier, Phillips had purchased the Royal Family's Alaskan oil company ARCO, associated with Alaska's High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) used for atmospheric (i.e., ionospheric) heating experiments according to the government's own website ( "As a consequence, current surges can be induced in the power lines, causing flickering lights and blackouts resulting in millions of dollars worth of damage," according to Dr. G.R. Davenport of the American Geophysical Union ( He also reported that "telecommunication cables and even petroleum pipelines" may be harmed by such currents, necessitating their research and testing by operators of HAARP and its European counterpart-the European Incoherent Scatter Association (EISCAT, at This group is principally financed by Great Britain and Germany. More disconcerting is the fact that the Rockefeller-developed Cold Spring Harbor Labs-world base for the human genome project, and previously the earliest eugenics (genetic "racial hygiene") institute in America-proclaimed their copyright of EISCAT's website material in 1999. This, however, was removed following Dr. Horowitz's publication of their documented association.
In Dr. Horowitz's best-seller, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?, (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 1998) he traced the immigration of Germany's V1 and V2 rocket aces to America, following World War II, through the CIA's "Project: Paperclip." This secret program, according to Newsweek's Managing Editor, Walter Issacson, was largely officiated by Nazi scout Henry Kissinger. Joining Wernher von Braun, Germany's most famous missile and satellite designer who transferred to America during Paperclip, was Kurt H. Debus, who later became director of Cape Canaveral's space program until retiring in 1975. Another Paperclip draftee was Lutz Thilo Kayser, once called "Dadieu's young man" in reference to his mentor, Armin Dadieu, a prominent SS officer and Hermann Goring's special attache researching uranium storage for the Third Reich. Given this background, "It is reasonable to suspect the infiltration of individuals who previously served Hitler, to top ranks within the atomic energy cryptocracy, including the DoE which manages INEEL," Dr. Horowitz concluded. This might best explain their unique logo, and why the name "KISSINGER"-Nelson Rockefeller's protege chiefly responsible for the deployment of nuclear weapons throughout most of the "free world"-deciphers, like their logo, and Mr. Groenke's weather vane, to "666" using this secret code.
These associations have not likely occurred by chance according to preliminary findings using statistical analyses factoring in the deciphered numerology. For this reason, American legislators, news sources, and various activist organizations are encouraged to investigate Dr. Horowitz's findings further, and test his theory.
By using available electromagnetic technology to create costly and dangerous drought conditions, generate lightning strikes that ignite wildfires, reduce hydroelectric power resources particularly critical for the western states, concomitantly promoting nuclear industry revitalization, if Dr. Horowitz's espionage theory is correct, energy industrialists stand to make more than enormous profits. They stand to transform America from a "land of the free," to a charred corporate fascist nation.
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