Gun Control And Confiscation
Potential High In New York
By Jim Mortellaro

The law regarding gun registration in New York State up until 1996, went something like this. You applied for a handgun carry permit based on:
1) Hunting and target shooting
2) Residence (or business) permit
3) Concealed carry
Up until about 1997, those with any type of carry permit, had a carry permit for life. Simple. No renewal, no requalifying ... just the permit. And for many, many years, there were so few problems with permit holders, that there was no reason whatsoever, to change the laws regarding concealed carry. This has not changed in the least. There is and was, no provocation for government to have changed the system.
Then came Schumer (a Democrat), Governor Pataki (a Republican) and the newest member of the gun control team, the future governess of our beloved state, and the only person in the history of the United States of America to will have had (on the assumption this person is still married), a First Man.
When these travesties happened to the citizens of New York, the laws began to change. The image of the police began to change. The climate in the state, regarding the ability of a citizen to acquire a carry permit began to change for the worse. And all the change began in the so-called bedroom community of New York City, Westchester County.
Westchester county is a beautiful place. In the northern portions of the county begin the foothills of the Catskill Mountains. The county itself is hilly and wild, filled with reservoirs in the central portion. Reservoirs which are so numerous that there is no population to speak of for hundreds and hundreds of square miles. Here is where literally hundreds of UFO sightings have taken place, many if not most of these have been of the triangular type. Why? Perhaps because the region is so sparsely populated - on the one hand. On the other, more and more sightings have taken place in largely populated areas.
Westchester County is interesting in the extreme because of many of it's dichotomous features. In scattered communities throughout the county lay among the highest per capita income levels in the nation. One of these is, of course, Bronxville. Nestled in the southernmost extreme part of the county, it is popular with captains of industry and former icons of money and wealth, not to mention power. In Bronxville lived the former chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, the former president of New York Telephone and many entertainers. I knew the police chief there, one Mr. Steinmueller. A man of wonderful generosity mixed with a toughness you could not imagine, when it came to bad guys. And the place is called Bronxville because it's southern neighbor is the Bronx. Holy macaroni cheese Bat Man, no wonder Steinmueller was so damn tough.
Bronxville is not alone. From the South to the North are many such communities. And the people there are very wealthy. Very wealthy. In many portions of the county there are no local police. Although this is changing, the State Police administered to chasing bad guys in those places.
Now for the bad news. Gun control began in earnest when two police officers where killed during the nineties. By crazoids. Not by licensed gun owners. Pataki, the traitor that I perceive him to be, caved against the pressure of those left-handed democrackpots and even more lefty Republicans who saw that the biggest and best way to fame, fortune and getting elected, was to embrace the issue of gun control. What better issue was there? And how the hell do you people think Schumer got erected? Huh? By making himself the prophet of doom, the naysayer and the biggest antagonist to gun owners ever in the history of the state.
Today, he embraces _any_ issue which gives him an interview on any radio station, newspaper or other venue. But gun control is among his favorites. After all, it's what got him erected. How? By giving him a very great deal of exposure, displacing a man who was the beloved of Republicans and Democrats alike, Senator Alphonse D'Motto.
Then came Hillary to pillory what's left. Left. Get it?
When the new law for controlling guns came to be, the grassroots organization of the NRA, the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, of which I am a life member (much to my personal shame) did very little to publicize the proposals. As a result, very few of us knew of the changes. I am thus suspect of the NYSRPA. Very much so. When I became vocal against the law, and against the NYSRPA's lack of action in this matter, the NYSRPA ceased sending me the monthly newspaper and failed to EVER send me my life membership card. I had to fight hard to get the card and by that time, I realized something was not right. Cogito, ergo ....
NYSRPA did next to nothing to fight the law. And when I complained to NRA, they told me that is was the NRA mandate to serve gun owners on a national level and the mandate of NYSRPA to serve at the grass root level. Guess what?
You guessed it.
So the proposal became law. Gun owners now had to reapply for a five year permit. Renewals with a fee. And, the people who used to manage the background checks and other administrations, the Westchester County Police, now formed a group which called itself the "Public Safety Commission." Gestapo division. These former cops now became detectives whose sole duty was to administer this effort at gun control and they did an admirable job from scratch.
I received a call from the local detective who told me he had to visit my home in order to make certain that my guns were properly secured and made safe. Kind readers, I have been shooting for 53 years. My guns are in a locked metal safe. There is a very thorough security system installed with security closets and I designed it. There are no kids ever entering this premises. My home is now invaded by a man whose newest mandate is make sure my guns are short lived in my possession. No lie.
Anyway, I took time off the job and waited for the detective to look at my home. All of it. He never showed. By late afternoon I decided to call him. Be said he couldn't make it and rescheduled. Poor guy musta been real busy. So much so that he did not have the courtesy to tell me he was being delayed.
Later, I found that if one has an employment related permit, the Public Safety people will go out of their way to ensure that there is a continued need. Otherwise, automatic demand to reduce the license to another lower level or, take it away, whilst confiscating the weapons. Nice huh?
This in the face of life time licensing and no worries about how weapons are secured, because here in NY, there were no problems with us, just the bad guys. And they are not licensed. How in the name of common sense do you administer and manage their guns? Assholitis in the extreme.
This, ladies and kind gentleman, is what happened in New York City a number of years back. In the forties I believe. Now, if you want to carry in NYC, you better be a cop or have demonstrated a genuine need - or simply break the law and be a bad guy. Hell, bad guys rarely get caught. To qualify, you must have been robbed on numerous occasions. Or worse, killed. I recall one person who had been applying for a carry permit for years on the basis of owning a shop in a bad neighborhood. He had been robbed on many occasions and beaten often.
His request was finally granted, for a premises permit. Only problem was, he was killed the week before by a perp who decided he wanted this man's nice watch. It was a Chase Durer. Worth about $150. Fair trade eh? A life for a hundred bucks! And how many applications for a premises permit? Well over twenty.
God bless America and all the ships at sea.
Westchester County is number two on the state's agenda. First was NYC. Then Westchester. Next Putnams and soon, the entire state, as Pataki wants one law for the entire state. Nice as lice.
I have many friends in law enforcement. I have asked all of them their opinion regarding armed citizens. Most are positive. But there is that small element who look at you as if you just took away their authority. The look says it all. "Who the hell are you to carry a gun? Only _I_ have that authority!"
Go to hell.
New York State is on the way to mandatory gun confiscation. I need your help. NRA and NYSRPA have done squat. You want to keep your arms? Some of us had better start working now to protect what we love. The shooting sports.
Not to mention our own safety. For as much as they wish to be, the police cannot be everywhere all the time. Unless of course we become a police state. Then, they are. Even if they aren't.
Jim Mortellaro
From Joseph Capp r
To Jim Mortellaro
I read your interesting article and found it very erroneous especially about UFO researchers not being scientist. If you mean they aren't the closed minded scientist that will explain away UFO sightings and evidence with a few sentences without doing the slightest research then you are right. Now to refute your premise.
Stanton Friedman Scientist UFO Researcher
Stanton T. Friedman was born in NJ on July 29, .1934, was valedictorian of his 1951, Linden, NJ, high school class, and spent 2 years at Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ, before switching to the University of Chicago in 1953. He received BS and MS degrees in Physics from UC in 1955 and 1956. Carl Sagan was a classmate there. He worked for 14 years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse; TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, highly classified, eventually canceled projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, nuclear power plants for space.
Warren Buggren, Ph.D. Chairman of the Board Nids
Dr. Burggren is Dean of Arts and Sciences, and Professor of Biological Sciences, at the University of North Texas, a research university of nearly 27,000 students located in Denton, Texas. He received his Ph.D. in Animal Physiology from the University of East Anglia in England. Following post-doctoral studies in Denmark and Canada, Dr. Burggren accepted an academic position at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. After fourteen years at UMASS, he became Chair of Biological Sciences at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, a position he held for six years before moving to the University of North Texas in 1998. Dr. Burggren's research, which involves both laboratory and field studies, focuses on the relationship between genes and environment in molding organismal development. He is the author of more than 130 journal articles, book chapters and books in animal physiology, including his role as co-author in Animal Physiology, one of the most popular college texts on this subject. He has presented more than 100 invited talks in 10 countries. From 19881995 Dr. Burggren was Editor-in-Chief of the University of Chicago Press Journal Physiological Zoology. For his research efforts, Dr. Burggren has been named a Barrick Distinguished Scholar, and has received both the University and Community College System of Nevada Board of Regent's Silver Medal for Research and the Medal of the University of Helsinki.
Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph,D
Bruce spent his early year in Rutland, Vt. After high school he studied physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass (B.S. in physics) and then at The American University, Washington, DC (M.S. and Ph. D. in physics). In 1972 commenced his long career at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, presently headquartered at Dahlgren, Virginia. He has worked on optical data processing, generation of underwater sound with lasers and various aspects of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) using high power lasers.
I could name a hundred more. But I think you get the point.
If you're into UFO as a researcher you're no longer a least that what main stream science says. How are you going to collaborate with close minds and I mean closed? Many of them outright lie, distort evidence, and eventually character assassinate any UFO expediencer in their efforts to prove their points. Look at any attempt to really study this matter by main stream scientist and it would remind anyone with and open mind of the days of religious persecutions. I've 57 years old saw two flying disk go right over my head in daytime on a beach in Atlantic City(1963). Since then I've been following the UFO field. Yes there are the ethically bankrupt UFO researchers and there are good mainstream scientist who wish to study this however the church...excuse me..mainstream scientist will defrock them if they more research money....not more papers published. Science has lost it's imagination and Einstein said imagination was the beginning of all great science.
Joseph Capp
From James Mortellaro
Hello Jeff - This is an apology/clarification, one which I owe to UFO and abduction researchers who obviously do not fit the profile I defined in my essay. I regret not having either mentioned or more clearly credited the serious researchers and scientists who study this phenomenon.
People such as Stan Friedman and Bruce Maccabee are among only a few of those scientists who have placed their reputations on the line in order to study the UFO and abduction phenomena. There are many more.
In defense of my point of view however, in my essay I refer to those so-called resarchers who make up the mainstream of people who take up arms and call themselves experts. It is also true that even those I admire, Jacobs, Hopkins, Maccabee, Mack and Stan, even they sometimes come up with pairs of dimes which make me want to "holler New York." This, however, is the nature of the beast. The beast without two backs, which make up the UFO research community.
God willing and the Comet don't hit, maybe someday we will all cooperate together in this study. When and if that happens, we will come closer to an answer than ever before.
Jim Mortellaro, Ph.D.
From Tom King President, NY State Rifle & Pistol Association via Jacob J. Rieper, Legislative Director
I am proud to be an American; thank God we live in the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. A place where you can say and write what you like without having your veracity or intentions questioned. A place where questionable information can be passed on with disclaimers to protect the agenda and integrity of individuals or groups.
Upon receiving the email from Mr. Mortellaro via Joe Eldred, who passed it on for informational reasons only, I was immediately tempted to launch a heated defense of The NYSRPA. After some reflection I realized that The NYSRPA doesn't need to be defended.
Anyone who knows anything is aware of the role The NYSRPA played in launching the largest mail and phone campaign in history, to rally the people against the proposed "Pataki Legislation." Those same people also know the integral role The NYSRPA played in forming the SUMMIT 2000 group. By the way Mr. Mortellaro, your application for life membership in The NYSRPA was processed in February of 1999, one year prior to the introduction of the "Pataki Legislation". Where were did that year go, perhaps it was spent in Westchester with the "Triangular Type UFO's"?
I was elected President of this organization in October of 2000 and have attempted to fashion a more responsive and member friendly association. I do realize that there are some matters that cannot be resolved no matter what we do. I empathize with an individual such as you, Mr. Mortellaro, who feels "personal shame" at being a member of The NYSRPA and will try to do the right thing. Upon receipt of your membership card I will instruct the Treasurer to refund the life membership fees you paid in 1999. I will not contribute to a man bringing shame upon himself. If however there is a legitimate problem that can be worked out please contact me.
About a year or so ago I made a statement that gun owners are their own worst enemy. I still believe that to be true. The supporters of the 2nd Amendment can not go two days without taking a shot at another person/group who does not agree with their agenda even if the goals are the same. It is time to wake up, we can work in different directions to reach the same goal.
The NYSRPA has set political, legal, educational and facility goals that we feel are reasonable and attainable. We will help educate the public so they can elect pro 2nd Amendment politicians. We will in conjunction with The NRA support worthy legal battles to overturn unjust laws. We will help The NRA build the best grass root organization in this country. We will not support anti 2nd Amendment politicians for any reasons and explain to the people why. These goals are stated as a matter of fact not an attempt to aggrandize The NYSRPA or denigrate other organizations. We joined this fight committed to victory.
Help us win through attaining our goals or strive to reach your own but don't block us with these petty rivalries. Time is short, either lead, follow or get out of the way.
Tom King
President NYSRPA
From Jim Mortellaro
Sir, my membership was not paid in 1999. It was processed in 1999. I actually paid my dues in 1995. It took NYSRPA four years to give me my card. Why? I stepped on it's hunting boots when I complained about the lack of political expertise at the grass roots level here in the lower part of the State of NY. It seems that we were the lost leaders down this-a-way, bending low to the more important counties upstate.
Sorry if you are offended Mr. King. I am offended as well. We here in the greater NYC area were NOT informed of Pataki's intentions until we heard the news on the local cable channel. It was in the Bullet, but you see, sir, I was NOT receiving the magazine, as my membership had not been processed, nor did I received the magazine for more than two years. Kathy did not like me much.
I will send my card back, and expect a refund of my dues. I have gained nothing but abuse from NYSRPA. When this administration came into power, it inhaled such a foul odor from the previous administration, that the stench remains to this day.
Hopefully, you will, do better. But you will do so without me. More's the pity.
Further, what is most interesting is your denegration of legitimate UFO sightings here in the lower Hudson Valley. Use it well, sir. For one has nothing to do with the other.
But it does make good sport, does it not? This demonstrates your lack of ability to argue the real merits of the case without having to abuse me further. "Another UFO nutcase" was Kathy's expression.
(Note: Kathy was the secretary. She was fired.)
Let me know where to send the card.
Jim Mortellaro, Ph.D. Member,
FPO (Memorial Lodge 100), SHIELDS,
NYS Police Alumni President, TCG, PC.



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