George W. Bush - Uphill Skier
By Norman Liebmann

George W. Bush is an uphill skier - one of those intellectual snow bunnies who, when learning to ski, has to be told over and over again by the ski instructor, "The pants go on first ñ and then the skis."
It has been said Bush is evocative of the unworldly and vacuous Chance the Gardener, portrayed by Peter Sellers in the movie "Being There." The analogy fails on one set of disparities. Chance was naive and well-intentioned. George Bush is trivial and dull. To relegate any matter to Bush's attention is a sure way to reduce its importance from urgent to casual. Our nation's standards for leadership have deteriorated from George Washington to George Wimpington. It has been speculated that George W. Bush is keeping a real president out of a job.
It is understandable that Andrew Johnson looked bad following Lincoln ñ and incomprehensible that anyone could look bad following Clinton. Bush has managed it.
The media caricatures George Bush as a free-form president whose aides are compelled to sweep him into a pile behind his desk each morning, and then brief him from a storyboard. (After all, it works at Disney.) Because of his unwillingness or incapacity to fight back, the media snipe at him with impunity. It makes for poor sport - like shooting a sitting bird - but that is, after all, what the media do best. The media will spend the next three and a half years devaluing him, and then the historians will take it from there. If Bush goes into the annals at all, it will be because he was arrested for impersonating a president. Johnny Carson used to describe a person of comparable mental acuity by saying, "His porch light is set on 'dim'."
Like innumerable failed leaders throughout history, Bush believes he can intensify the devotion of his political base by thwarting its will. He finds the "logic" of that irresistible. The coddling of the Clintons is, of course, the defining policy of his administration. To adversaries and colleagues alike it makes Bush a pathetic, even contemptible, figure ñ a conclusion that is uniquely bipartisan.
Bush has made the Clinton immorality his adopted bastard. GW does not wish to enforce the law, nor is he artful enough to convincingly feign respect for it ñ so America is stuck with four more years in a backwash of the Clinton/Reno sludge. As a consequence, William Jefferson Clinton sleeps soundly, secure in the knowledge that he will remain at large and feeding high off the hog for as long as Bush feels the need to keep his own impotence pristine. Theoretically, that proposition could add another leg to Eternity.
Bush is generally conceded decency, dignity and respect - but his claim to it is a sham while Clinton walks free. Bush cannot be the highest authority in this nation so long as he chooses to answer to an unscrupulous one. (Allegorically, Clinton still retains the pink slip to the presidential motorcade.) The highest authorities remain Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Borgias of Arkansas, who, our elected officials have ordained, are above the law. Bush does not have the viscera to make them go away - and so the Clintons always seem to surround us ñ like insipid elevator music.
So long as Bush is president, Clinton will have a psychological ring through his nose. Via Dubya's indulgence, Bill Clinton continues to foul the footway through history. If Bush represents some upgrade of the Washington Mesozoic slime of the past eight years, it is because Clinton betrayed the entire population while Bush betrayed only the half that voted for him. That's as good as it's going to get.
By his easy decision to let the Clinton swamp of immorality molder and contaminate, Bush has forfeited the respect that comes automatically with the presidency. Yet every failing Bush exhibits is represented as "being reasonable." Bushies (who also like to be identified as "First Time Callers") have embraced the term "reasonable" as their code word for delusional. Bush will do anything to avoid an adversarial confrontation, so "reasoning" with Bush is like trying to rearrange foam. However, "being reasonable" gives Bush something to do when he's not busy "moving on." Trippin'
The late Myron Cohen, dialectician and raconteur, told of a yenta-person boasting to a friend about a lavish vacation trip from which she and her husband had taken, saying, "We went all over the world. Next year we're going someplace else." (I didn't know the Borscht Belt extended all the way to Jupiter.) Bush considers his recent trip to Europe a comparable success.
The fact is, an American President driving through the socialist capitals of Europe with a bumpersticker on his limousine that reads "Get Global" is about as popular with the commonality as a cart full of aristocrats getting a flat on the way to the guillotine. Still, Dubya expects to go down in history as George the Globalizer. His fellow Globalists rolled out the red carpet for Bush, and we can still see the crimson stains left on his trousers from walking it on his knees.
Bush believes every despot has a silver lining. His subservience and flattery of the world's tyrants is the benchmark for his policy of international global smoothing. Still, all Bush's open mouth kissing with Putin, that hobgoblin on leave from the KGB, has not made the world one iota more secure.
The European functionaries George W. Bush courts so ardently regard him as an affable but inefficient clerk they have chosen to mind the store while they go about the business (read conspiracy) of globalizing and reprogramming humanity into cultural cretins. The Russians are now being as ardently wooed by Bush as the Chinese were by Bill Clinton, who gave them nuclear secrets in exchange for money to "grease" his political campaigns, and since, Bubba has moved into a three room apartment up Jiang Zemin's ass. During their recent tete-a-tete, Russian President Vladimir Putin found Bush "sentimental" and even considered awarding him Russia's most trifling medal, The Red Badge of Porridge. Bush reports to us that he and Anthony Blair are "soul mates." England, in a state of perverse decline, is in the midst of committing Blair-i-cide, the desiccation of the nation's testosterone. Blair's emasculating influence will not leave enough viable sperm in Ol' Blighty to produce a single Harry Faversham.
Not only immaterial, but also, all this diplomatic spit swapping is disgusting. If Bush wanted to accomplish something positive in Europe, he should have gone to Lenin's Tomb and made sure the sonofabitch is still dead.
In relating to the New World Order, the Bush Administration is being guided by the pragmatism "like them or not, we have to work with them." This is the same rationalization used enlisting the services of the Gestapo, the Waffen SS, and other free lance mass murderers at the end of WW II. Under Clinton and Bush, we have grown neither more selective nor more sanitary.
Compassionate Conservatism ñ Pandering Without Purpose Compassionate conservatism, like gonorrhea, is fun to contract, but unpleasant to live with. It is most frequently observed in adults with puzzled expressions and tissue paper spines. Compassion in politicians is thought to be an aftereffect of a childhood disease - a glandular condition that fills its host with a throbbing, intractable, and unreasoned sympathy for traitors, rapists, and people who cross against the lights with their zippers open. (Does the name William Jefferson Clinton ring a bell?) Others theorize compassionate conservatism is caused by a sissy virus, which can infect Presidents with a footstool mindset.
George W. Bush's spaniel-like yipping about compassionate conservatism has endeared him to no one. Compassion conservatism is not really anything, but more likely a substitute for something else that might be even worse. That which George Bush calls compassion, he demonstrates as submission. Even a graduate of Yale should know those two words are not interchangeable. Bush went to Yale, which is, in itself, an act of submission.
It is incredible how Bush can be both compassionate and comatose at the same time. Apparently they've checked his vital signs, but not his relevant signs. He is indifferent - make that oblivious - to most virtues and competencies that made this nation unique. Rather, he is absorbed in maintaining the viability of the Clinton contamination; the caramelization of the races, the pansyfication of the military, the sissification of the Boy Scouts, and the presumption of the United Nations, which, were Dante still with us, would be a squalid and malodorous rest stop on the way to the lowest level in the Inferno.
Bubba and Dubya: Ruthless and Toothless
Throughout the 90's, Bill Clinton insulted truth so regularly that he drove it into hibernation. Yet, the media hung on his words as though they were carved in stone and delivered from Mount Sinai. It is unarguable that journalists were and are incapable of seeing Clinton as the con man he is, despite the fact that, when he smiles he looks like a crooked roulette wheel.
[Note: Anticipating Clinton, the Ancients gave us the word "perverto" which translates from the Latin, "He who exposes his genitals in the Coliseum." Like the Clinton Administration, looting the public coffers brought down Ancient Rome. Nor was anything helped by the Roman Senate passing legislation allowing the homeless to piss in the aqueduct.]
The media's slavish adulation for him notwithstanding, Clinton made the case that you can be a Rhodes Scholar, even a President, and not worth sh*t as a human being. Even in the light of that inviting comparison, George W. Bush has made himself a magnet for detraction among journalists with a compulsion to vilify.
Bush is the Prince of Platitudes. His prose is sufficiently barren as to require a scavenger hunt to turn up anything he says that could be memorable. Still, he can hardly wait to hear what he's going to say next. When addressing the press, Bush conveys the impression of someone astride a goat with an albatross hung around his neck. Indeed, at White House press conferences, 90 percent of the questions are addressed directly to the albatross that is somewhat more nimble with its ripostes than Bush.
Bush lies curled up against the sweating walls of the Oval Dungeon, daily trying to screw up his courage to continue to do nothing about Bill Clinton's treason and rapes despite the uneasy inclination that the respectable among the electorate he humbugged are getting pissed off.
(Even as this is written, Bush remains in a near catatonic state as a former Clinton aide continues to destroy incriminating documents that would have put Bubba in the slammer until the next Ice Age.)
Bush's resolve in the Clinton matter is somewhere between unmeasured and unmeasureable. Bush does not do the right thing because he is incapable of it. A case might be made that you can't hate someone simply because of something of which he is incapable. A better case can be made - oh, yes you can! In any event, the question of whether or not he has the willingness to do the right thing is by now immaterial and devoid of interest.
Bush fears Bill Clinton. He knows Bubba is no garden-variety miscreant. He is a traitor's traitor, a sex offender's sex offender and a darling of the mainstream media. (The ladies of the press are always poised at the inner edge of orgasm, just knowing Bill Clinton is buried to the hilt in their software.) Hence, Bush feels he must think twice before unbalancing Clinton's exquisitely poised and fine-tuned corruption. As it has been ordained there shall be no accountability for Clinton, the only other alternative is to bash Bush, although at this juncture any disparagement of him seems increasingly jejune and redundant.
Worse than having become the conservatives' disappointment, Bush made himself the media's grist. While Bush deploys his artless and simpleminded bromides, the press portrays Clinton striding the Earth like a horny colossus, going from sink to sink to finish himself off. They cannot see him as he is - the political gigolo, the American Remittance Man leeching off the system, a cancer on the bureaucracy he did so much to promulgate. He is a two hundred-pound Democrat hookworm, still sucking blood off the rich and poor without fear or favor. The media marvels at the way Bill Clinton redefined America. It is now the poor who tell the rich how to run the country - an America in which the losers tell the winners "where it's at" and "which way is up." Clinton has excavated a tunnel at the end of the light.
It has been suggested Bush is held at bay because Clinton has some discrediting information about him. (If he doesn't the press will make some up for him.) Every law officer in America has some incriminating evidence on the Arkansas Hustler, which Bubba considers more advertising than incriminating - so we can dismiss that as a deterrent. The terminally undiscouraged still insist Bush is working on Clinton's case behind the scenes. They are undismayed by the tattoo on Bush's chest that reads Free Willy! It refers not to Willy the whale but to Willy the Wanton. Ashcrost and Powerll: Key Non-players
In a Bush cabinet meeting it takes only ten minutes for a great idea to die of input. Like Republicans in the Senate, they can't seem to fight the impulse to make a contribution.
It became quickly apparent why Bush labored so hard to get John Ashcroft approved as Attorney General, and even more apparent why Senate Democrats relented in their opposition and confirmed him. He is a reliable extension of the Janet Reno investigative paralysis that gripped that Bureau of Bumbledom, the Department of Justice ñ and Director Louis Freeh's FBI, sometimes referred to as Inspector Clouseau's Closet. Ashcroft is another slipped disk in the spine of the Bush Administration. Like Reno, he is as selectively unselective about which laws should be enforced. Because of his torpor, the Second Amendment remains in jeopardy. Ashcroft needs to be cautioned he took an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, not, as his predecessor did, superintend its sabotage. Whatever Ashcroft's proficiencies are, he keeps them well concealed. In Silicon Valley, at Reno's departure, they were about to break out the champagne until it became clear, for the computer industry, Ashcroft is another "blue screen." (Bush may have to appoint a new cabinet officer called The Amnesty General just to keep pardoning Roger Clinton.)
By his appointment of Colin Powell as Secretary of State, Bush has managed to delegate his inadequacy, although the evidence suggests Powell is more Khofi Annan's Secretary of State than Bush's. (More of Annan, the U.N.'s Voodoo General, in due course.)
Powell is the subject of much mis-lavished prestige. He is regarded in this country as the cream of the black aristocracy, if, indeed, one exists. So far as is known, it consists of him and somebody who some months ago changed his name from Puff Daddy to P. Diddy. This set off a celebration of Mardi Gras proportions, which is reported as still in progress.
Powell is from Jamaica where they drink adult beverages with foliage draped over the lip of the glass, and pound on empty oil drums to make music. As Jamaica is an island, any direction you walk ends up being a day at the beach - hence the State Department's indolent, day-at-the-beach mindset. Powell's most notable act was his highly public submission to his wife forbidding him to run for President.
This is the man Bush has chosen to light the fuse in the Middle East, and fulfill the Scriptures ultimate prophecy for the world to end in fire (a truer, if somewhat more dramatic, manifestation of global warming.) Considering his military record (it's rumored Powell once commanded Jamaica's crack Calypso cavalry) Powell's assessment of the Middle East shows he can't count noses, measure land or read a map. His idea of negotiating peace is to give the vastly outnumbered and more vulnerable Israelis a series of next-to-the last warnings. Whereas Bubba attempted to con Ehud Barak into selling out Israel's birthright for the sake of the Clinton legacy, so Powell thinks he can threaten Ariel Sharon into it.
If Powell is not an anti-Semite, than water is not wet. The only Powell Middle East policy success that can be anticipated from his machinations is a military alliance of Harlem and the Palestinians. The Jews in Israel would have gotten a better break from Pharaoh than they are getting from Powell. It will be remembered, during the Gulf War, Israel was under missile attack and prevailed upon not to fight back. Powell can't count on that again. If allowed, Powell will negotiate the Jews into the kind of peace they got in the Warsaw Ghetto. (It was there that the children of Israel came to know what G.W. Bush will never learn - forbearance with tyrants and terrorists is just pissing up a rope. As far as the near future of U.S. relations vis-a-vis the People's Republic of China, let's just say Powell is this year's Neville Chamberlain.)
[Note: In international matters, Powell must be taking his signals from the UN's Khofi Annan, who comports himself like Chaka Zulu in a blue serge suit. Apparently, Powell has promised Annan American forces will come to the aid of China in the event it is invaded by Israel. With Kofi Annan reorganizing the world, one wonders why people of hue can't find one place in the immediate universe where they won't feel discriminated against. It may be time for a resolution in the General Assembly that will address two trouble spots at once, by making Cincinnati one of the Balkans. With Annan at the head of the UN, it looks like One World is One World too many.
The Decline and Fall of the 'New Tone'
In yet another exercise in misplaced confidence, Bush believes he has brought a "new tone" to the Washington's political destruction derby. Who is he kidding? Before there is a "new tone" in Washington, there will be a religious revival in The Pit. Bush's "new tone" is about as close to reality as that "Earl Scheib $39.95" shpritz was to Porsche factory paint.
Like Captain Queeg with his missing strawberries investigation aboard the slack ship USS Caine, Bush keeps trying to reenact the scene of his only wispy triumph as Governor of Texas - getting along with Democrats. In Texas even the cattle manage to do that.
Bush's most off-putting characteristic is his tolerance of vilification by the Democrat leadership. His romancing Tom Daschle is like trying to milk the venom from a rattlesnake, though, God knows, there isn't a milking stool in Washington low enough. Daschle is making a concerted effort to keep the Bush Administration from sending religious wildcatters to Alaska to do some faith-based oil drilling. Tom Daschle criticizing Bush is like Hannibal Lector complaining about airline food - and Richard Gephart is like the maitre d' of a termites nest.
Daschle and Gephart rail relentlessly against Bush, although it is baffling how they can manage to be constantly offended by anyone as innocuous. The thing that Bush, Daschle and Gephart have found in common is they don't care that Clinton betrayed our country. That is bipartisanship in its most contemptible form. Even diehard "Bushies" barely seem to be holding their dissatisfaction (and their noses) in abeyance.
Bush's natural inclinations have led him to believe the nation wants a compassionate Nanny-in-Chief. Benignity is no substitute for resolve in a hostile world. Passivity is no substitute for probity in a corrupt one. Still, Bush has no trouble with the Washington policy of "get along - go along" government primarily because he's unsure which is which. (He has a similar problem with "inertia" and "peace.")
Contrary to the conventional wisdom, six months is long enough for any President to do damage. It is more than enough time to demonstrate affability, if that's your highest priority. There is no obstacle George W. Bush feels he cannot surmount merely by being a patsy, hardly an admirable characteristic in a President. Still, Bush's compassion leads him to believe, to understand the game of badminton you have to see it from the shuttlecock's point of view. Daschle and Gephart are not moved by Bush's malleable attitude. It only intensifies their contempt. Bush remains undismayed and un-nettled. Seemingly, the W. stands for "Who, Me?" It's hard to insult a guy who is so adept at "moving on."
Bush even allows himself to be disparaged by the likes of Gray Davis, who looks like something that was squeezed out of a tube. What Alcibiades designed for Carthage, Davis inflicted on California. Desperate to remain in office, Davis will ultimately attempt to remedy California's rolling blackout problems placating the gods by throwing UCLA coeds into a volcano, and blame the need for human sacrifice on the Republicans.
We do not understand Daschle and Gephart's displeasure with Bush, whose idea of governance is to accept every plan the Democrats propose - and add water. It is a form of high colonnic socialism. America needs solutions. Bush provides dilutions. Socialism is nature's way of filtering out the elements that determine the survival of the fittest. It filtrated the Soviet Union off the map. Oblivious to this reality, both parties are in a competition to underwrite idleness, and create in America a subculture of government-sustained loiterers.
Bush has made it unequivocal that he feels no sense of obligation to those whose support elevated him to the Presidency. Instead, he occupies himself with embellishing Clinton's leftover schemes for shoveling America's largesse into the inner cities and negotiating compacts underwriting the despotic regime of the Shaman of Ooga Booga Land. Like Rumpelstilzchen, Bush is busy spinning loans into grants and following in the Democrat tradition of giving the working people of this nation a financial hernia.
Bush took a powder on his conservative base, deserting them in order to play Perle Mesta to Daschle and Kennedy and the rest of the Commiecrats. Under Bush, the "Republican Party faithful" is like a B-17 about to bomb Dusseldorf, that just found out their Captain has bailed out on the crew. Having abandoned the silent majority, Bush now must count on the "iffy" support from the un-polled majority.
Bush needs to be advised Americans do not want the Marine Guard at the White House to admonish visiting Congressional Democrats, "Don't forget to wipe your feet on the President before you leave." If Hollywood ever makes a move about Bush, it will likely be called "Mister 'Kick Me' Goes to Washington."
*** Norman Liebmann is a former television writer [Johnny Carson; Dean Martin; wrote and produced "Chico and the Man" and created the characters for "The Munsters" (who are all named after his relatives)] and a brilliant and insightful columnist/humorist. Please visit his Web site, Firehat, a treasure trove of Clinton- and media-bashing. E-mail:



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