Massachusetts AG Wants To Regulate
Claw Hammers As 'Dangerous'
We received the following from a high-traffic bulletin board...

These are the moments that must make the founding fathers, many from Massachusetts spin in their graves.
As many on here know I am a cop in Mass. and a boss at that. That being said I was over at the AG's office on Friday speaking with a couple of AG's investigators who I know from my time on the job, on another matter, when the topic turned to the murder trial of Wellesley Allergist Doctor Dirk Greineder, (these cops know I am in PA school and will be leaving police work very shortly and were kidding if there is a kill your wife course in medical studies due to the fact we have had four MD's in Massachusetts involved in homicides or serial rapes).
Anyway, they get around to the talk in their office of what the AG Tom Reilly, has up his sleeve reeling from his latest victory in Federal Court on setting standards and regulating at his discretion for firearms and purchases of same, under consumer protection authority. Reilly is a truly anti-gun, anti-citizens rights etc, DEMOCRAT , anybody from Mass knows his MO.
The AG wants to set a whole new standard in Massachusetts, and he has laid the foundation for it. In the Murder case I mentioned above the weapon of choice was not a firearm, but a claw hammer. FYI a large number of biker gangs and criminals carry these, as there is no provisions in the MGL (Mass General Law? -ed) that these are Dangerous Weapons, to inflict injury.
The AG has a great plan: controlled sales of these items. "Huh?" I shook my head, but oh no. Here in Massachusetts our knee jerk reactions are legendary. So, the word is that in 2002, to buy this type of Industrial Tool, one must be a licensed contractor, builder, electrician or tradesman. Any Industrial tool capable of delivering a directed blunt force to specific area at the discretion of the operator, shall have warnings attached with it.
Further all sales of said items shall be recorded in a prescribed manner as set forth by the AG, to include the pedigree of purchaser and any license number, all retailers that sell these items shall record such information, and forward copies to the Mass. Dept. of Public Safety, the AG's office and the Mass. Div. of Information and Technology, who shall compile such information of sales, including date and place of purchase, and serial number of said tool into a data base that will be accessible through the BOP records and LEAPS.
Notwithstanding of any legislation to the contrary, all purchasers must posess the required tradesmans license and must state the purpose and intent of the purchase, further any retailer who fails to record such purchases, or who sells said Industrial Tools to a non licensed person, can face fines or imprisonment and loss of licenses and permits to conduct trade in Masssachusetts.
I though they were BSing me but then they showed me the draft copy of the regulation.
This will deter people from killing...


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