Let Our Children Go!
By Linda Harvey
Exclusive WorldNetDaily Commentary
© 2001

As the mother of two teenagers, my heart sank recently when I learned of another new twist in the seemingly infinite ways to assault our kids. Some schools now post pink triangles on classrooms they have designated as "safe" for homosexual-sex questions. Students who ask questions in these "safe" places are then linked up with gay activist groups outside the school. And this happens without any call to the student's home, to warn a parent their precious child is about to jump off a cliff.
So, when I read that the most powerful lobbying machine in our country, the National Education Association, will meet next week in Los Angeles and vote on a sweeping set of measures to fast-track homosexuality even more swiftly into our nation's schools, I feel at the end of my rope. Isn't there anyone who has any sense anymore? Where are teachers with courage, principle and honor? Where are school board members who can see where this is leading? Surely, someone will listen and understand why I plead with the NEA and all the other purveyors of depravity, to let our children go.
For too long, those we entrust with our childrens' minds have held that trust as a secondary priority. The first is themselves. A teachers' union? Why? In America of 2001, where are those terrible working conditions that require this? When I was a teacher in the '70s, the principal stopped by my class after school one day - I hadn't yet joined the Ohio Education Association, and he gently but firmly urged me to do so. The whole idea offended me yet, I must confess, I relented. The pressure was subtle, but clear: This is what you do if you want to be a team player.
With a little more maturity, I now define success differently. I wish I had been braver then. Now, the stakes are far higher. How can people who care about children pay money to a group that is so eager to corrupt them, to steal their innocence? And all the while they use nicey-nice words like "diversity," "support," and that most manipulative of terms, "safety." I now have my own idea of safety. Our youth and our communities will be safer if you, NEA, let our children go.
Whole days are devoted to honoring homosexual sex practices, but in some schools, Mother's Day is being shelved. Students in classrooms all across this country are fed up with the endless, stupid promotion of obviously unnatural and gross acts, but those who speak out are often intimidated into silence by an NEA member. Kids get tired of public shame and ridicule just like anyone else. A teacher's hostility is perfectly acceptable in such cases, though, because as one left-wing organization's ad said several years back, "It's OK to hate hate." Once others' cherished beliefs have been defined as "hate," then no amount of fact-finding can convince the brainwashed to do other than look upon you as sub-human when they take the time to notice, just before or after the lesson on the Holocaust. Maybe our schools need fewer pink triangles and more mirrors for the faculty lounges. In any case, the Gestapo needs to let our children go.
Some will feel I am too harsh. Not all teachers are like that, they will say - and I agree. I know of fine teachers who are being subjected to the same ridicule, who have themselves been silenced, who are being threatened with loss of their jobs on a daily basis. Yet, I wonder how many of these teachers are still NEA members. It's not that my own past sins can absolve me, but we need to start somewhere, folks. Let there be peace on earth - and truth and sanity and virtue - and let it begin with me. Let all our teachers out there hear me when I plead with them to stand up, and to do it now. And to the powerbrokers of pseudo-knowledge, the petty minds of sexual fascism out there, I say: Let our teachers go.
We have heard claims by promoters of perversion that some of our students are committing suicide over this issue. And if this is happening, it's truly a national tragedy. The solution, though, is not to send them with scrubbed faces and packed lunch boxes off to the next sodomy lesson. The solution is to get to the root of what's going on with these unhappy, misguided kids. Something must be very wrong when someone wants to do things that their bodies are not suited for. If we want our babies to grow up to be natural men and women - and not surgically-altered robots - then we will rise up as parents and demand that the psychological profession get its act together. To the close-minded school counselors who believe it is actually harmful to steer children toward heterosexuality, we say: Let our children go.
There's only so much time, so why are schools spending precious days and hours on social experiments? What crazed education researcher could possibly believe that teaching children to accept homosexual-sex acts is more important than learning about the U.S. Constitution? Or about Renaissance architecture? Or even how to spell "m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e?" To those who believe our heritage is pointless and that children must be trained to rebel, I say: Let our children go.
If you do not, expect a mass exodus from the public schools. You see, most parents aren't activists - most will simply quietly withdraw their children and enroll them in a private school, or they will home school. They will go to a place where the education still makes sense, or they will create such places if they don't exist. But if you, all-powerful NEA, use your considerable leverage among politicians to make it difficult to escape these policies, where there seems to be no place to turn, then you will see parents and grandparents take to the streets. They will suddenly rise up, and eject school board members who allowed these atrocities to happen. They will fire superintendents and principals who followed the Party line. They will withhold their taxes.
Because you are toying with the most basic instinct known to mankind: The instinct to protect our young. Go ahead and continue to run under the radar if you like, but when the truth comes out, you will fall. You will change - or you will fall.
Let our children go!
Linda Harvey has written for USA Today, the Columbus Dispatch, and National Liberty Journal. In 1995, she founded Mission: America, a non-profit organization whose objective is to equip Christians with current, accurate information about cultural issues such as feminism, homosexuality, education and New Age influences. As editor of the organization's quarterly newsletter, Choice 4 Truth, and two companion web sites, Mrs. Harvey is in regular contact with national Christian leaders dealing with headline-making issues. She has contributed to materials published by Focus on the Family and is interviewed regularly on radio and television programs across America.
From Eric Lessard
I write to you because I find the article "Some schools now linking
students directly to gay activists" to be very homophobic to say the least.
As a gay man myself, I understand the need of gay children to receive a
support they mostly need about their sexual orientation.
There is nothing wrong about teaching kids tolerance. Gays & Lesbians are a minority, and they should receive respect and compassion from others. This is not what the Boys Scouts of
America are doing however.
The reality is that gays & lesbians are still persecuted in the USA, and the religious right is the first enemy of the gay & lesbian people in America.
I hope that this kind of extremists letters, which compares gay organizations with the Gestapo will not be publish on your web site anymore. It is your credibility that is at stake.
I do not know if it is true that there are concentration camps in America (like the Patriots says), but you will not have a lot of sympathy from most of the people if you continue to promote hate and intolerance.
Eric Lessard
Quebec, Canada
(name witheld)

Children do not have a 'sexual orientation' Mr Lessard, they cultivate one as their sexual nature develops through puberty -- what influences meet them early on can influence them one way or another. No one is "born" gay, and this claim has never been proven. Since nature itself dictates, even on a molecular level, the male/female construct for the whole blessed universe, the homosexual remains an aberration. Just because it is a common aberration doesn't mean it is "normal."

Let's be blunt -- anal sex is perverted and medically condemned as risky, unsanitary behavior, be it among heterosexuals or homosexuals. Nothing in the nature of human sexuality urges one to penetrate a rectum where feces passes, much less to do anything else with it that doesn't strictly involve evacuation of the bowels. The very activity of anal sex represent a mock desire (and denial) for penile/vaginal intercourse, expressed in the act of perversion with wrong orifice. The sphincter muscle of the rectum tells us it's for 'outgoing' only. Only human beings bent on defying nature will intrude on nature to such sickening degrees. Why should any child be introduced to such vile and repulsive acts? You would have to first prove that there are a number of very young children who have transient homosexual desires which they do not fully understand -- and such has never been found in any studies. What HAS been found are children who show what appears to be an unbalanced desire for company of the same sex, which is interpreted to be latent or developing homosexuality. This leap of illogic is a tragic seduction of youth, for the indoctrination of homosexuality. Such advanced perversions as mentioned before might never enter their minds unless an already perverted person teaches them calling it "normal." There's nothing normal about it.

Tolerance of homosexuals in society is one thing -- we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, in so far as we comprehend where our individual rights and responsibilities intersect. But children do not need to be exposed to your sexual predilections, Mr. Lessard. They need to be taught the basics of humans sexuality and reproduction, and homosexuality needs to be addressed as a "philia" with plenty of mental health guidance opportunities for those children who have already been unfortunately impacted with "homosexual" notions from people who simply refuse to recognize their own abnormality. Facts are facts... homosexuality defies the nature order and construct, they are more prone to diseases because of their vile sexual practices and generally have three times the number of sex partners as heterosexuals. Tolerance can just go so far.

We're not stupid. It's evident homosexuals cannot procreate, so they must recruit and indoctrinate. Leave the damned children alone.
Edward O'Finnegan
Dear Jeff - In yesterdays news headlines you have listed "Some Schools Now Linking Students Directly To Gay Activists" by Linda Harvey and "New Film 'The Animal' Presents Bestiality To 13 Year Olds" by Dr. Chuck Baldwin - both from WorldNetDaily.
First off, it is apparent that Linda Harvey did not grow up gay - sounds like those around her who did, hid it from her (I'm speculating only, of course, but I can imagine why). She has zero concept of our experiences.
I grew up in the early to mid 80's before any triangles made it to classroom doors. Kids like me were bullied, harassed, and at the least 'actively excluded'. Having always felt different, I started to understand that difference when puberty began to set in. It all nearly sent me to my death.
Linda casually mentions the suicide problems (subliminally even questioning the statistics! criminal!), but then states schools should only be concerned with pure academics. Social problems aren't as important as 1, 2, 3's, even when they may cost a teenager their life, at their own hands or someone else's (My heart physically aches for Mathew Shepard).
I can not disagree with her more. What good does adding 2+2 do for my 'family' hanging from their garage rafters at 16 years of age? She says we need to address the root problem - we are, that is why there are triangles in schools today. Jeff, when I hit puberty I put a 'label' to my difference and said to myself "ok, so what". I was comfortable with myself, felt it was part of my god given make-up, part of my temperament. I took strength from my native American brothers who call us Two Hearts.
My early adolescence wasn't any more problematic then puberty for most boys. But I started listening to people use 'my new label', by 14 I jumped into 'the closet', slamming my hand in the door and hiding even from myself. I tried taking my life twice. GOD, WHY DO WE KEEP KILLING EACH OTHER AND OURSELVES??? I decided to live - to love myself, as myself. Growing up gay gave me an inner-strength I was lacking. But many of my brothers, even couple of my sisters never find that strength. They do not make it, I almost didn't. My prayers and my tears are with them ~always~.
Dr. Chuck Baldwin is going on about this film, I haven't seen it and certainly don't support bestiality - the commercial looked like it was some animal heart transplant movie - struck me as more junk and have no plans to see it. He seems to think that homosexuality leads to bestiality leads to pedophilia. But their is a basic problem with his logic. Ask 'most' homosexuals and we will tell you we were born this way.
Casual sex is rampant in homosexual circles, but most who call themselves gay do so for more reasons then sex. We emotionally bond with a man. What we are saying is we are born with an inner love for men. Do you see 'us' bonding with an animal or a child in the same way? Most of us, myself included, have become so over-sensitive to the prejudgments surrounding homosexuals we feel a paranoia sweep through us when someone even suggest we watching their kids - the thought of harming a child repulses us, as much, if not more so now, then it does you (I can confidently say that).
And please, no one wrongly accuse us of it out of straight fear, we being innocent. In most of us, I believe, it might just send us emotionally back to those teenage years. I'm a pacifist, in my life I aspire to and find ways of exorcising peaceful living. If I found a child in danger I would, if needed, kill to protect. But that just left me a murderer, gee would I go to hell for being gay or for killing to protect a child? Christians would probably say both. My soul says neither. Those pink triangles on classroom doors are saving lives. If not through sex and STD education then through self love and acceptance. We need safe places. We didn't use to have them, outside of silence, many times everlasting.
Edward O'Finnegan


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