Clinton Got Frisky With Teenage
Girl On Oslo Tour
With Carl Limbacher and Staff
Reprinted By Permission Of

While on a speaking tour of Scandanavia two weeks ago, disgraced ex-president Bill Clinton engaged in suggestive behavior with an attractive Norwegian teenage girl, embracing her while witnesses looked on and hinting he'd like to have sex.
In a gesture of hospitality, the 19-year-old coed had presented Clinton with a tulip, at which point he reportedly responded by putting his arms around her. But then the sex-addicted former leader told the girl he'd like to do more.
"You're too beautiful to only get a hug," Clinton blurted out, in an episode reported in today's London Sunday Times.
Clinton made the unpresidential comment to the teenager at an Oslo TGI Fridays while out on the town with a group of college students.
The incident has prompted concerns that the former president, who was impeached after his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky came to light, has resumed his old habit of seeking sex from young women.
"Anybody who thinks he has changed is fooling himself," observed British columnist Andrew Sullivan, who first reported the ex-president's encounter with the Oslo teen.
"Clinton is once again a sex scandal waiting to happen," Sullivan added. "And the scariest thing is that he barely knows it."
If Sullivan's prediction pans out, it could severely impact the political career of his wife, New York Senator Hillary Clinton, who has apparently done nothing to curb her husband's wayward behavior.
At 22, Lewinsky herself was just barely out of her teens when Clinton ushered her into the Oval Office for sessions of oral sex.
But stories of Clinton's sexcapades with young and even underage woman are legion in Arkansas.
During the Paula Jones case, in which he was accused of exposing himself to a then- 24-year-old state employee, several women who were just high school students when they met then-Governor Clinton told investigators of being groped and fondled during random encounters, with at least one reportedly claiming that Clinton had seduced her.
None were willing to go public with their accounts.
But according to Jane Parks, who was landlord to Clinton's brother Roger in the mid-1980's, high school girls -- some under the age of consent -- were regular guests at sex and drug parties that the governor himself regularly attended.
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