- "Steve Greer...began to overreach his data
- Edgar Mitchell
- Edgar Mitchell) Jack, et al: The Washington Times (story)
on UFO disclosure mentions my name as a witness for the Disclosure Project
-- which I am not ...and have not been.
- (Jack Sarfatti) I am not surprised at all. If you look
to see who is running that CSETI Horse and Pony Disinfo Show & Tell
you will recognize familiar names. Consider the source. As a Navy man and
NASA Astronaut who really was Out There, you know what I mean. :-)
- (Edgar Mitchell) I cooperated with Steve Greer some years
ago, but he began to overreach his data continuously, necessitating a withdrawal
by myself, and, I believe, several others. I have requested to be removed
from any web site, announcements, etc., but see that has not taken place.
- (Jack Sarfatti) Typical of politically-based influence
operations. The real motive of the Press Club Event was the issue of militarization
of space not UFOs, on which reasonable well meaning people can differ of
course. Since many millions of voters believe UFOs are real, getting control
of the UFO movement clearly is a top priority for all the players.
- (Edgar Mitchell) Although I firmly believe it is time
for openness and disclosure by government, I object to being misused in
this fashion and acquire guilt by association with certain claims that
simply are not true.
- (Jack Sarfatti) I feel exactly as you do. I think you,
Don Ecker and I see it eye-to-eye on this one.
- (Edgar Mitchell) I, nor any crew I was on (I was on three
Apollo crews), received any briefing before or after flights on UFO events,
saw anything in space suggesting UFOs or structures on the moon, etc. We
did it just like we said in official reports. My only claim to knowledge
of these events is from the individuals, mostly of yesteryear, who were
in government, intelligence, or military; were there, saw what they saw,
and now believe it should be made public. But I claim no first hand knowledge,
nor have any. Pass it on to the rest of the net, if you will.
- --Edgar Mitchell
- (Jack Sarfatti) Is The Pope Catholic? Pass it on. I certainly
will. :-)
- Comment
- 'Disclosure Project' Oversteps Bounds
- From Jason Leigh jasonsos@digitex.net
- To all,
- First, thanks to Dan of UFOzone for sending me this article:
http://www.rense.com/general10/mitch.htm from Jeff Rense's one-of-a-kind
excellent world news website.
- Second: Dr. Steven Greer used my copyrighted UFO videos
to sell, promote and include in his past 'paid public lectures,' without
my expressed permission.
- He showed my stated UFO video tape (of June 11, 1995,
(c) by Jason Leigh) to the U.S. Congress in 1997, as was verified by Dr.
Bob Hieronimus (and was mentioned to my surprise on one of our 'on-air'
radio interviews), who was present at that U.S. Congress meeting conducted
by Dr. Greer, again: without my written, or expressed permission. A blatant
copyright infringement . . .
- I wrote to Dr. Greer, who at first, denied having ever
showed this footage, but then recanted when I wrote him back and related
what Dr. Bob Hieronimus had told me, stating that he (Dr. Greer) had,"forgotten."
- Now, I certainly didn't mind--and was actually proud
that my UFO footage was included in the presentation to the U.S. Congress
back in 1997, but NOT when it was used in 'paid lectures' presented to
the public and was also included in his UFO promotional videotape--which
was also 'sold' for purposes for profit, or monetary gain: yet another
copyright infringement.
- Since the amazing broad daylight UFO was videotaped by
me on June 11, 1995, I have invested over $5,000 to date to present this
'proven' footage to the world--for free. But when another would take (or
steal) this copyrighted footage and profit from it without so much as a
'howdy do' to me, it certainly would have put most anyone in a mood of
- It seems that the stories we have all heard of Dr. Greer
and his 'non-profit' organization ('non-profit' meaning he does not offer
any moneies towards charites--only towards the 'Disclosure Project') 'using'
other people's research, names and photographs to promote his own project
is such a derogatory issue, that we should all be infuriated by this inexcusable
- I, for one, am bewildered at the attentions he has been
able to reap via the paranormal and major media in his 'Disclosure Project,'
which should have a post-script to it by giving credit where credit is
due to the many HUNDREDS of people he has used as well as the above mentioned
thief and misuse of other people's work and names, usually, and apparently:
without their consent. He should be brought up on charges for his illegal
actions in an attempt to force the U.S. government to admit to the reality
of UFOs, but this would just bring yet another collective 'black eye' to
this field of research, which is scared enough by the countless others
who have perpetrated hoaxes and lies, most assuredly for personal profit
and gain.
- Will I sue Dr. Greer for infringing upon, and profiting
from, my copyrighted video of the UFO? I am not sure at this point, although
others in this field have suggested that I should--and must.
- What say ye?
- I affirm that the above is true, and correct. Jason Leigh
- Comment
- Dear Mr. Bassett:
- With respect, the majority of the MUFON members who we
surveyed believed the Greer "Disclosure Project" was unsuccessful.
Moreover, most thought it set back Ufology. Here were some of their reasons:
- Ufology was mixed with other issues -- like Space Based
defense deployment. Space systems are a primary focus of the Bush administration.
And, are were to think that sworn officers and esteemed graduates of West
Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy are dupes who do not hold the
U.S. public's interest in defense matters?
- Witnesses were publicly known prior to the disclosure
-- none were insiders. Only one person that he eye-witnessed (ET) alien
bodies. When asked what ETs looked like, Clifford Stone's statement was
ludicrous. Mr. Bassett, were these the best of 400 witnesses that Dr.
Greer vetted?
- ET's are not hostile... What then do we do with the work
of Dr. Jacobs (and 50 years of UFO/ET studies by other researchers), abductees,
ET hybrids, implants, cattle, human mutilations and hostile acts (Brazil
and South Africa).
- Mr. Bassett, unless Congress acts, your new Paradigm
Clock setting at 11:59 PM should be reconsidered...
- Respectfully,
Jerry Glass,
Director MUFON
Riverside County, CA
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