- *Note - Newest updates to this story are posted chronologically.
- Why do so many vigorous, rain-promising weather systems
move onshore in the Northwest...and then essentially fall apart - without
the presence of an inland high pressure ridge which would usually cause
such? Meanwhile, other parts of the US are experiencing unprecedented flooding
and intensely erratic weather.
- If you watch satellite weather maps, or live in the Northwest,
you've seen this happen time after time. Global warming? Many don't think
so. Ever since the Soviets began their 'woodpecker' electronic assault
on US weather and its citizens with their ultra high power over-the-horizon
(OTH) radar antenna on July 4th, 1976, our weather has been under threat
of manipulation...by both sides. The US Air Force has vowed to make complete
control of the weather a strategic military weapon in the very near future.
- In fact, weather control/modification has been a fact
of life, to a greater or lesser degree, for decades according to many researchers.
The works of Dr. Bernard Eastlund and others clearly describe the mechanism
of electronic frequency potential and its potential to control/influence
the weather.
- With these items in mind, here is some information from
Top View discussing the apparent destruction of yet another NW weather
system which came ashore on 4-16 - 4-17.
- _____
- They're Doing It Right Now...You Can Watch
Weather War Perps Destroy West Coast Rainstorms
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com
- Informative, though not fun. Check especially the loops
showing the past 24-36 hours.
- SATELLITE - infra-red http://www.weather.com/maps/maptype/satelliteusnational/usinfraredsatellite_larg
- SATELLITE - visual/infra-red, enhanced http://www.accuweather.com/adcbin/sat_index_large?nav=home&type=ir&getarea=us_re
- SATELLITE - infra-red, raw http://weather.unisys.com/satellite/sat_ir_west.html
- SATELLITE - visual, raw http://weather.unisys.com/satellite/sat_vis_west.html
- RADAR http://www.intellicast.com/Local/USLocalWide.asp?loc=kmfr&seg=LocalWeather&prodg
- http://www.intellicast.com/Local/USLocalWide.asp?loc=keka&seg=LocalWeather&prodg
- http://www.accuweather.com/adcbin/mosaic_radar?getArea=NW_REG&type=current&btnGe
- GENERAL http://www.weather.com/weather/local/USCA1218
- NOAA http://www.noaa.gov/
- WeatherMod War Of Attrition Devastating NorthWest
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com
- The lives of millions of residents of many western states
ARE being directly, deliberately, impoverished, by "pollutocratic"
globalist gangsters utilizing tremendously powerful, hi-tech EM/RF and
chemical technologies/systems, which are now inducing a severe drought
across the Pacific NW region, as well as significant concurrent/resultant
effects and impact on the regional economy, quality of life, ecology and
pretty much every aspect of life in these heavily-targeted regions.
- We should point out that although these technologies
are being used to induce a severe drought across the Northwest, these very
same operations ALSO create conditions which further development of destructive
weather of the opposite kind elsewhere. As well, such technologies can
be directly applied to induce different and/or opposite weather conditions
than drought.
- In particular, by steering the jet stream with configured,
targeted HAARP transmissions, rain systems are made to bypass the West
Coast and drop their precipitation ELSEWHERE -- such as areas now being
inundated by flooding.
- We do know that this is going on -- day after day, month
after month, with barely any let-up at all in what amounts to a near-total
"blockade" of critically-needed precipitation over several western/northwestern
states, as well as much of Canada's Pacific coast.
- We do know what's going on: and so do you. If you don't,
then you can verify much of this for yourself, by observing in visual and
infra-red satellite data as well as in radar weather data, exactly what
happens to rain system after rain system along the West coast, as they
are obliterated and vaporized by a deadly combination of the noted advanced
- These technologies are: ** ULF/ELF transmission, responsible
for shredding developing rainstorms to pieces via generation of 'chaotic"
mid-elevation winds and severe atmospheric instability.
- ** HAARP transmissions and which create virtual "lenses"
and mirrors in targeted sections of the planet's ionosphere: which can
then be used to fry/melt storm systems and fronts with other transmissions,
solar radiations etc.
- ** HAARP transmissions which steer the jet stream; upper-altitude,
high-velocity winds which amount to a "track" which any storm
systems will in general travel along. By manipulating the jet stream, much
of the moisture that COULD have fallen along the West coast can be re-directed
to fall in OTHER areas such as those where too MUCH rain and flooding are
causing serious problems of a different nature. Nice trick, eh??
- ** Chemical modification of the atmosphere and clouds
by means of chemtrail spraying by aircraft, and related activities.
- This is YOUR lives, YOUR land and YOUR future that globalist/NWO
Fed elements are waging their war against.
- What are we going to do about it? _____
- PROVEN - WeatherMod War Of Attrition Devastating
NorthWest -
ULF monitoring proves signals destroy critically-needed rainstorms
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com
- Scientific research and analysis just concluded by TOP_VIEW
and two well-credentialed radio-electronics technicians has proved that
certain complex, compound ULF/ELF transmissions, being broadcast by elements
or factions of the U.S. federal government, have clearly identifiable effects
upon atmospheric conditions and weather in targeted Northwestern regions.
- Primarily: the ULF signal induces pronounced atmospheric
instability and turbulence of a distinctly unorganized, chaotic, agitated
nature: with strong winds that shift/alternate rapidly in direction and
velocity. This tends to have a wholly destructive effect upon any and all
moisture-bearing weather systems anywhere within the targeted area.
- The presence of this ULF signal has been PROVEN to very
definitely DESTROY, obliterate, annihilate and utterly dissipate clouds
which produce precipitation.
- The ULF transmissions SEVERELY inhibit rainfall or any
other form of precipitation, by tearing weather systems apart. _____
- West Increasingly Crippled, Withered by Savage NWO Weather
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com
- New World Order elements certainly haven't eased up on,
or called off, the nightmarish, multi-pronged hi-tech weather/climate modification
WAR with which they're devastating, and dessicating, much of western North
- Far from it: by all indications, the global totalitarians
are indeed stepping up their assault; clearly designed to turn the much
or all of the continent's most vital, resource-rich region into a PROFOUNDLY
"de-valued", impoverished, parched, arid, utterly demolished
land that's incapable of supporting even the smallest populations of humans
and other life forms.
- And of course an additional agenda motivating such profoundly
malicious activities is the of the region's ability to produce hydro-electric
power; a DEEPLY malevolent, Machiavellian objective which has, in FACT,
nearly been accomplished in full already. _____
- One The Worst Droughts To Afflict NW In Recent
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com
- Already, drastically-reduced rainfall or precipitation
of ANY kind, and an almost TOTAL absence even of low-altitude (marine)
moisture layers (fog, mist, etc.) during much of the winter -- the NW region's
"rainy" season -- have caused severe, deep damage to and degradation
of life-supporting western eco-systems. And it just keeps getting worse.
- The radio electronics engineer who worked with NewsHawk
last summer, monitoring those ULF transmissions which have such a drastically
destructive effect on moisture-bearing weather fronts/systems, has agreed
to assist us further: and we've just monitored the ULF signals in northwest
California early on the morning of April 16; having their usual, completely-predictable
effects on Northwest weather.
- Although the tranmissions were monitored in the 14Hz
range, there are other signals present of much lower ULF frequencies, about
1.72Hz and/or 3.4xHz.
- Here again is a brief listing of highly advanced and,
unfortunately, highly effective weather/climate modificiation technologies
and systems currently being deployed in the globalist's ongoing war of
- ** Very wide-ranging, complex, layered ULF/ELF signal
transmissions covering hundreds of thousands of square miles across the
west. The frequencies monitored/identified so far are 14Hz and 3.4xHz;
with indications a lower frequency may be present as well. The transmissions,
broadcast on a non-stop or almost non-stop basis, are of literally earth-shaking
power; resonating throughout the crust of the earth across the targeted
- ** Constant bombardment with weather-modifying chemtrails
dispersed at various attitudes by jets. These chemtrails have been observed
time and again causing normal moisture-bearing clouds to disintegrate.
(Other weather-mod chem-trails can of course have opposite effects; certain
other chem-trails almost certainly contain chem/bio warfare agents.)
- ** "Melting"/burning away weather systems with
the virtual "ionospheric lens" created by configured HAARP transmissions.
- ** Using other HAARP transmissions to steer the jet stream,
thereby directing critically-needed moisture-bearing weather systems away
from western North America.
- ** Occasional lower-altitude, localized "spot work"
weather modification carried out by fairly old, usually Navy propeller
- Taken together, these numerous weapons being used in
their relentless, indeed murderous and deadly hi-tech weather war waged
against western North America and all its residents are creating a climate-wrecking
juggernaut of power and effectiveness, which is inexorably grinding, crushing,
and burning this entire region. _____
- NWO Weather War Destroys Western Rainstorms By
The Hour - NW 'Rainy Season' A Near-Total BUST
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com
- Hourly monitoring of visual and infra-red satellite weather
data and radar (NEXRAD) weather data, along with visual observations and
local/regional media weather reports, followed by a brief analysis and
correlation of this data, indicate that during what is normally one of
the rainiest times of year across northwestern North America, critically-needed
moisture-bearing weather systems and rainstorms are being out-and-out destroyed
on a constant, near continual basis, due to the massive hi-tech weather/climate
modification war being waged over the entire region. _____
- Proof ELF Shreds Rainstorms As ELF Shutdown Enables
NW Onshore Moisture Flow To Resume
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com 4-16-1
- Ongoing monitoring of powerful ELF transmissions in northwestern
California/southern Oregon by TOP VIEW and a radio-electronics engineer
on April 16, 2001 have shown -- just as was indicated in over two weeks
of similar signal tracking and monitoring last summer -- that the (monitored)
presence of these transmissions has the clearly observable and electronically
monitored/recorded effect of dramatically increasing atmospheric instability
and turbulence of a notably uncohesive "chaotic" sort at middle
elevations (app. 3-6000 ft), which severely reduces the ability of moisture-bearing
weather systems to form, gather energy, grow and then disperse their life-giving
moisture to the land.
- Of course, other technologies besides the ELF transmissions,
as noted, are also being deployed by NWO forces as weapons in the ongoing
weather war/climate modification campaign.
- Dramatic confirmation, indeed proof, of the severe deleterious
effect said ELF transmissions have been having upon the climate and weather
of targeted Northwest regions was noted often during our investigations
last year. This effect was certainly even more clearly noticeable today,
4.16.01, when the monitored/recorded CESSATION of the ELF transmissions
at approximately 3 Pm PST clearly enabled the development of at least small
local systems of lower-altitude marine moisture to move ashore, producing
occasional drizzle and mist (better than nothing; and let's hope there's
lots more to follow). This was concurrent with numerous upper-altitude
contrails dispersed which seemed to thicken cirrus-type cloud layers. _____
- ULF Transmissons Resume - Detected Again At 7:30
PM PST 4-16-1
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com
- Previously, a monitored/recorded cessation of the compound
ULF/ELF transmissions blanketing large areas of the Northwest was observed
to correspond directly to a noticeable increase in the onshore flow of
moist air. Combined with what may well have been cloud-seeding or cloud-"boosting"
by jets at upper altitudes, a localized drizzle and some very light rain
did manage to come ashore in some sections of the Northwest coast.
- During our dinner break, we noticed that the rainfall,
never more than very light, was tapering off to almost nothing by about
7:30 Pm, PDT. We had some suspicions that the ULF signals might be getting
broadcast again.
- Hurrying back to where the equipment is set up at Bob
Anderson's we noticed immediately that in fact a ULF signal was being broadcast,
with some interesting differences from earlier.
- The signal we received/monitored was apparently being
amplitude and/or pulse-modulated; showing up in an intermittent, pulsating
pattern on scopes. The signal was also being transmitted at somewhat lower
power levels.
- We surmised that this may have been some sort of "stealth"
mode which the transmitter can operate in; breaking up the signal in certain
ways and thereby perhaps disguising it in case of any monitoring which
may be going on -- as it was.
- Nevertheless, the transmissions, though somewhat altered
and weaker, were still having their usual destructive, dissipating effect
on the meager weather front which had gathered some strength and even generated
minor precipitation, when the ULF transmissions ceased minutes before 3
PM, PDT. _____
- Rain-Killing ULF Resumes - Weather Front Dead
- From Top View top_view@planetmail.com
- The apparent weather/climate modification ULF transmissions
have now -- at 9:00 Pm, PDT, 4.16.01 -- resumed at pretty much full strength,
with predictable total disintegration of latest NW front.
- During a 24-hour period on April 16-17, TOP VIEW proved
conclusively that the presence of a compound, wide-area ULF broadcast targeted
at the Pacific Northwest DOES have a demonstrated, observed, monitored,
recorded and correlated destructive effect upon any and all moisture-bearing
weather systems/fronts and /or (localized) rainstorms/cells within the
targeted region.
- We began our tracking of the ULF transmissions yesterday
morning: they were being broadcast in a non-pulsed, full power mode continually,
without any break or interruption of any kind.
- Weather conditions, as they have been most of the time
for the past many months, were predominantly clear with some occasional
alto-stratus and very sparse lower-level marine-moisture puffballs along
the coast.
- The transmissions continued, as most all clouds at various
altitudes melting away, until the received signals faded rather abruptly,
shortly before 3 Pm, PDT.
- Within MINUTES, the lower level clouds thickened up considerably
and quite noticeably; as well, ORGANIZED, non-chaotic onshore winds picked
up quite a bit, driving the cumulus clouds further and further inland.
- Simultaneously, we all noticed jets dispersing numerous
contrails which appeared to significantly increase the development of a
layer of cirrus-type clouds.
- The ULF signals were TOTALLY absent as of this time.
- Before 4 pm, there was light drizzle falling in this
area and in others. Still, absolutely NO ULF transmissions of any kind
were being received/monitored.
- Sometime after 5 pm, the rain picked up to a steady but
light level, which continued for nearly two hours (THANK GOD!) Again, no
ULF or ELF signals were being transmitted during this time.
- During our dinner break, the light rain began fading
away around 7;30, even though the region remained well clouded over with
lower-level marine moisture. Before 8 pm, our equipment verified that indeed,
the ULF signals were being broadcast again: initially, in an intermittent
fashion at a lower power output, but very quickly resuming at full power
in a non-pulsed mode.
- Concurrent to the resumption of the ULF broadcast at
full power, significant precipitation ceased in the targeted areas, and
within short order, the tattered remnants of the latest vital, life-sustaining
Northwest rain storm to be annihilated by the BushMob/New World Order/4th
Reich's hi-tech weather war were scattered to the wind.
- THIS is what the demonic fiends of the NWO/BushMob are
doing to you and me, to our land, to our very existence -- day after day
after day. _____
- What To Do About NWO Weather War
- This latest by TOP_VIEW and radio-electronics technicians
has demonstrated conclusively that certain complex, compound ULF/ELF transmissions
induce pronounced atmospheric instability and turbulence, with rapidly-shifting
strong winds that have a thoroughly destructive effect upon moisture-bearing
weather systems anywhere in the targeted area.
- Such winds also have a significantly enhanced dehydrating
effect upon the land, and would significantly increase conditions which
lead to high wildfire danger. These kinds of winds would ALSO exponentially
increase the destructive capabilities of any such fires, once they got
going. This was the EXACT situation which existed last summer when gargantuan
infernos of unprecedented size nuked huge tracts of land across much of
the western U.S. Concurrently, these VERY SAME ULF transmissions were monitored
and recorded CONSTANTLY during much of August and early September last
summer along the northwest Pacific coast.
- NW Rain Falls As ULF Broadcasts Shuts Downs -
8:30 AM
- We were surprised and gratified to see RAIN falling around
8 am this morning in northwestern California.
- Curious, we contacted our electronics technician who
just worked with us Monday and Tuesday, tracking, monitoring and recording
ULF and ELF signals which are proven to be linked with the general behavior
of these most recent weather systems - and highly destructive to rainfall.
- The technician resides in the Santa Rosa area and confirmed
that VERY light drizzle was falling there also this morning. After a brief
discussion, he agreed to set up some tracking equipment at his residence,
to see if the ubiquitous ULF signal was present. The ELF/ULF has previously
been monitored even south of Santa Rosa, in Marin County, during our investigations
last summer.
- And SURE ENOUGH, our tech reported the ELF/ULF transmissions
were SHUT DOWN completely, as of shortly after 8:30 am Pacific, when our
technician got his equipment up and running in Santa Rosa. Although he
was only able to monitor for about ten minutes due to other obligations
(like a job), this gave all the proof we need: that when the ULF transmissions
are absent, rain systems can and do develop!
- AGAIN: this provides significant, serious scientific
correlation/confirmation that the ULF/ELF transmissions, as described in
a number of previous TOP VIEW articles, are having pronounced, destructive
effects upon the formation of critically-needed rain systems across northwestern
North America.
- Latest NW rain system weakening: ULF probably back online
- After a brief two hours, a promising Pacific weather
front that had begun dropping precipitation in the Northwest EXACTLY when
ULF transmissions had shut down, is showing some signs of serious weakening
and falling apart -- similar to what happened on the afternoon/evening
of Monday, April 16.
- Although we don't have the equipment at our offices to
prove it, there's a VERY strong likelihood that a resumption of weather-modificiation
ULF transmissions which destroy rainstorms has occurred; just as we demonstrated
the night of April 16, when the resumption of these ELF/ULF transmissions
tore a developing rain system to shreds.
- MASSIVE ULF Blasts Destroy Yet ANOTHER NW Rain
- TOP VIEW'S technical associate, a fully-qualified professional
radio-electronics engineer employed with Hewlitt-Packard, called us only
moments ago to inform us that while running his monitoring equipment in
Santa Rosa this morning, ULF signals in the range previously monitored
by us were present at EXTREMELY powerful levels: he reported the signal
strength was SO high it almost fried some of his equipment!
- This comes as NO surprise, as the tattered remnants of
the FIFTH front in four days are scattered to the winds: absolutely NO
rain has fallen across most of the entire Pacific Northwest since yesterday
afternoon DESPITE forecasts of considerable amounts of rain. Apparently,
the depraved, murderous operators of the rain-destroying ULF transmissions
are now going all-out to keep ANY of the CRUCIALLY-NEEDED rain from falling
on the parched Northwest.
- This is about the LAST CHANCE for ANY significant rainfall
to accumulate across the Northwest before the onset of summer.
- WE MUST have the rain.
- We MUST stop this weather war.
- Farmers, ranchers, timberers, fishers, patriots, veterans,
militia members and all citizens: WAKE UP AND WATCH OUT!!
- Midday Check - Rain-killer ULF At MAXIMUM Power
- Most fortunately (considering we're not paying him at
this point), just as he did yesterday, our electronics engineer assisting
us in monitoring the destructive ULF weather-modification transmissions
phoned us from his residence in Santa Rosa, CA around noontime.
- While home on his mid-day break, Mark AGAIN decided to
do a quick test with his receiving, tracking and monitoring equipment to
see if the ULF signal was present.
- Weather conditions across the Northwest at the time:
scattered heavy clouds at low and middle elevations in many areas, but
with no precipitation of any kind, or almost none, being produced.
- And guess what? Surprise of surprises, it was reported
that the ULF signal was, in fact, literally blasting across the airwaves,
again "nearly frying" (our tech's own words) certain of his equipment!
- He told us the present power (wattage) level of the ULF
transmissions, at approximately 12:23 pm on April 19 in Santa Rosa was,
in his own words, "scary," and something he's "never seen
- We also want to point out that NO high pressure systems
over inland western regions have been responsible for shredding, dissipating
and scattering front after front after front in the Northwest.
- Every professional meteorologist from here to Pluto,
and most anyone with any common sense at all, can CLEARLY observe -- from
available satellite infra-red and visual weather data, from radar weather
data, and from looking out the window, (if you live in the right [or is
that wrong?] areas) -- that NO "REAL", pre-existing, observed/observable
weather conditions of ANY kind, such as high pressure systems over inland
areas of the West, have been present to account for the CONTINUOUS shredding,
dissipating and dispersing of FRONT after FRONT after FRONT along the entire
West Coast of North America.
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