A Stone Cold Police
State - Rep. Traficant
From Kasten, Kathy <>
For those who are counting: Texas Sheriff Harwell was found dead two days before Allard (FLIR expert shown watching the video tapes in "Waco") suffered a "heart attack." The floors and walls of Harwell's residence were covered with blood, yet the reports claimed he died of a "heart attack."
Please see attached e-mail from William Gazecki, who you might recall was the director of "Waco: Rules of Engagement."
Also, believe it or not see, UFO Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 5, May 2000 issue, pages 52-57, "Military and Police Marching Together" by Wayne Laugesen: Quote from article: "There's an unsettling trend among police to view demonstrations as crime scenes," says Blewitt (Attorney Dennis Blewitt, who practices federal criminal law in 30 states). "Police are beginning to view crowds of demonstrators as enemies of the state, to be controlled, rather than groups of people exercising their constitutional right of demonstration the police should be working to uphold."
Can we find out what Traficant's bill is about and how to support it?
-----Original Message-----
From: William Gazecki Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 11:06 PM To: OpenEdge Mailing List Subject: A Stone Cold Police State - Rep. Traficant
Subj: Ohio Congressman tells it like it is Date: 5/15/00 12:31:14 PM CDT From: (Beaver Cole)
Not everyone who sees a conspiracy is an X-files fan-- or a right wing extremist. Here is a credible individual publicly standing in defense of truth and freedom-- Congressman Jim Traficant. Ask yourself why the media didn't make this part of the evening news. Of course, the answer might scare too many of you into action. Better remain in ignorance. At least you'll be a happy slave.
Freedom and Prosperity,
Tom Paine.
"We have developed a stone cold police state in America..." -- Rep. Jim Traficant, a good Ohio boy (from the Youngstown area), speaking out on the mysterious death of Waco investigator Carl Ghigliotti: CALLING FOR A FULL INVESTIGATION INTO THE DEATH OF CARL GHIGLIOTTI
May 9, 2000 Rep. James Traficant:
"Mr. Speaker, Carl Ghigliotti, the 42-year-old scientist who investigated the Waco massacre, whose body has been missing for 2 weeks, was found dead. Ghigliotti is the man who flat out said, `The FBI is lying about Waco. The FBI did fire automatic weapons into the burning building.' Something is wrong here, Mr. Speaker.
Records now show the FBI lodged an alleged or false child abuse charge against the Davidians. The FBI denied, then admitted, using tear gas. The FBI confiscated, then supposedly lost, vital autopsy evidence that would prove what happened in Waco.
Beam me up. We have developed a stone cold police state in America...believe me, from Waco, Ruby Ridge, to Miami, Florida.
Every American knows it, no one is doing anything about it.
There must be a full investigation into the death of Carl Ghigliotti. I yield back the need to pass some oversight on this Justice Department and pass my bill, H.R. 4105."


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