- New Mexico's UFO's
- New Mexico is the UFO state. Some say Nevada has that
honor, but I say New Mexico has had, and continues to have the most, and
best sightings you will find anywhere. Remember, Roswell was in New Mexico!.
Here's an old one to start things off.
- Mar. 26, 1880, Lamy, New Mexico. Four men walking near
Galisteo Junction were surprised as they heard voices coming from a "strange
balloon," which flew over them. It was shaped like a fish and seemed
to be guided by a large fanlike device. There were eight to ten figures
aboard. Their language was not understood. The object flew low over Galisteo
Junction and rose rapidly toward the east.
- From the U.S. Air Force's Unknown files.
- April 5, 1948; Holloman AFB, New Mexico. Afternoon. Witnesses:
Geophysics Lab balloon observers Alsen, Johnson, Chance. Two irregular,
round, white or golden objects. One made three loops then rose and disappeared
rapidly; the other flew in a fast arc to the west during the 30 second
- April 24, 1949; Arrey, New Mexico. l0:30 a.m. Witnesses:
General Mills meteorologist and balloon expert C.B. Moore and others on
a balloon launch crew. One white, round ellipsoid, about 2.5 times as long
as wide.
- Feb. 24, 1950; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1:55 p.m. Witnesses:
Municipal Airport Weather Observers Luther McDonald, Harrison Manson. One
white, slightly elongated oval was watched for 1.5 minutes through a theodolite
while it flew straight and level.
- Feb. 25, 1950; Los Alamos, New Mexico. 3:55 p.m. Witnesses:
Twelve Atomic Energy Commission security inspectors. One cylinder with
tapered ends, silver and flashing, flew slow and hen fast, fluttered and
oscillated, and changed course. observations by individuals varied from
3 seconds to 2 minutes.
- Jan 16, 1951; Artesia, New Mexico. Time unknown. Witnesses:
Two members of a balloon project from the General Mills . Aeronautical
Research Laboratory, the manger of the Artesia Airport, and three pilots.
The balloon crew was observing their 110' balloon at an altitude of 112,000'
when a dull white, round object was spotted. It appeared larger than the
balloon, but made no movement. Later, the balloon crew and the others saw
two objects from the airport; flying side-by-side, they circled the balloon
and flew away to the northeast. The second observation lasted about 40
seconds. Note: there is confusion over the date of this case, with some
USAF records showing it as 1952; however, 1951 appears to be correct.
- Aug. 25, 1951; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 9:58 p.m. Witnesses:
Sandia Base Security Guard Hugh Young and wife. A flying wing- shaped craft
passed over their heads at an estimated 800-1,000' altitude with no sound.
Size estimated at 1.5 times wingspan of B-36 bomber,or 350'. Dark, chordwise
stripes on underside, and 6-8 pairs of soft, glowing lights on trailing
edge of "wing". Speed estimated at 300-400 m.p.h., object seen
for about 30 seconds.
- April 24, 1952; Clovis, New Mexico. 8:10 p.m. Witness:
USAF light Surgeon Maj. E.L. Ellis. Many orange-amber lights, sometimes
separate, sometimes fused, behaved erratically. Speed varied from motionless
to very fast during 5 minute sighting.
- May 28, 1952; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1:45-2:40 p.m.
Witnesses: two city fire department employees. Two circular objects--one
shiny silver and the other orange or light brown-- were seen three times
performing fast maneuvers.
- June 5, 1952; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 6:45 p.m. Witness:
S/Sgt T.H. Shorey. One shiny round object flew 5-6 times as fast as an
F-86 jet fighter for 6 seconds.
- June 7, 1952; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 11:18 a.m. Witnesses:
crew of B-25 bomber #8840 at 11,500'. One rectangular aluminum object,
about 6'x4', flew 250-300' below the B-25.
- June 8, 1952; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 10:50 a.m. Witnesses:
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Markland. Four shiny objects flew straight and level
in a diamond formation.
- Note: Walker AFB, was in Roswell.
- June 16, 1952; Walker AFB, New Mexico. 8:30 p.m. Witness:
USAF maintenance specialist S/Sgt. Sparks. Five or six greyish discs, in
a half-moon formation, flew at 500-600 m.p.h. for l minute.
- July 22, 1952; Los Alamos, New Mexico. 10:50 a.m. Witnesses:
control tower operator Don Weins, and two pilots for Carco. Eight large,
round, bright aluminum objects flew straight and level, then darted around
erratically during 25 minutes.
- July 26, 1952; Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. 12:05 a.m. Witness:
Airman lst Class J.M. Donaldson. Eight to ten orange balls in a triangular
or V-formation flew very fast for 3-4 seconds.
- July 30, 1952; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 11:02 p.m. Witness:
USAF lst Lt. George Funk. One orange light remained stationary for 10 minutes.
No further details in files.
- Note: Holloman AFB is the current home to the F-117 "stealth
- Aug. 25, 1952; Holloman AFB, New Mexico. 3:40 p.m. Witnesses:
civilian supervisor Fred Lee, foreman L.A. Aquilar. One round silver object
flew south, turned and flew north, made a 360 turn and flew away vertically
after 3-5 minutes.
- Oct. 7, 1952; Alamagordo, New Mexico. 8:30 p.m. Witness:
USAF Lt. Bagnell. One pale blue oval, with its long axis vertical, flew
straight and level for 4-5 seconds, covering 30 in that time.
- Oct. 17, 1952; Taos, New Mexico. 9:15 p.m. Witnesses:
Four USAF officers One round, bright blue light moved from north to northeast
at an elevation of 45* for 2-3 seconds and then burned out.
- Oct. 17, 1952; Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico. 11 p.m. Witness:
one military person (no detail). One white streamer moved at an estimated
3,000 m.p.h. in an arc for 20 seconds. No further details in files.
- Nov. 12, 1952; Los Alamos, New Mexico. 10:23 p.m. Witness:
security inspector. Four red-white-green lights flew slowly over a prohibited
area for 15 minutes.
- Nov. 27, 1952; Albuquerque, New Mexico. 12:10 p.m. Witnesses:
pilot and crew chief of UAAF B-26 bomber. A series of black smoke bursts
(4-3-3-4-3), similar to antiaircraft fire, was seen over a 20 minute period.C.
12:30 a.m. Witnesses: radar
- March 27, 1953; Mt. Taylor, New Mexico. 7:25 p.m. Witness:
pilot of USAF F-86 jet fighter at 600 kts. (700 m.p.h.). One bright orange
circle flew at 800 kts. (900 m.p.h.), and executed three fast rolls. Pilot
chased object for 4 minutes.
- Jan, 1, 1955; Cochise, New Mexico. 6:44 a.m. Witnesses:
instructor and student pilot in USAF B-25 bomber/trainer. A metallic disc,
shaped like two pie pans face-to-face, and 120- 130' in diameter, paced
the B-25, showing both its edge and its face, for 5-7 minutes. Only item
in case file was summary form.
- Feb.l, 1955; 20 miles east of Cochise, New Mexico. 7:55
p.m. Witnesses: Instructor Capt. D.F. Ritzdorf, aviation cadet F.W. Miller
in TB-25 bomber/trainer. One red and white ball hovered off the left wing
of the TB-25 for 5 minutes, then made a very fast climb. Total time of
sighting was 8 minutes.
- Nov. 6, 1957; Radium Springs, New Mexico. 10:50 p.m.
Witnesses: one Las Cruces policeman, one Dona Ana County Deputy Sheriff.
One round object--changing from red to green to blue to white-- rose vertically
from a mountain top. Sighting lasted 10 minutes.
- April 24, 1964; Socorro, New Mexico. 5:45 p.m. Witness:
Socorro policeman Lonnie Zamora. Watched object with flame underneath descend
toward the desert. Two small humanoids observed near vertical oval on ground.
Later watched object take off with a roar, go silent and fly away. Burning
and charred brush found at landing sight
- This is the famous Zamora case investigated by Dr. J.
Allen Hynek. The experience of Lonnie Zamora on April 24, 1964 stands as
one of the most profound ufo events in the modern history of the phenomena.
To this day it remains a case in which all the facts involved support the
witnesses claims and it is this kind of case that makes the ufo phenomenon
such an enduring mystery.
- Lonnie Zamora saw a highly unusual device of unknown
origin, what can only be described as a "craft" of some kind,
and he reported seeing what he believes were occupants. Despite the controversy,
which often surrounds the subject of UFOs, the incident at Socorro remains
an example of what the UFO phenomenon is, in fact, all about.
- Sergeant Lonnie Zamora of the Socorro Police Department
was the individual who witnessed the Socorro landing in New Mexico on Friday
24 April 1964. The Project Blue Book investigation stated: "There
is no doubt that Lonnie Zamora saw an object which left quite an impression
on him. There is also no question about Zamora's reliability. He is a serious
officer, a pillar of his church, and a man well versed in recognizing airborne
vehicles in his area. He is puzzled by what he saw, and frankly, so are
we. This is the best documented case on record."
- Sept. 25, 1965; Rodeo, New Mexico. 10 p.m. Witnesses:
Dr. George Walton, physical chemist, and wife. Two round white objects
flew side-by-side, at 30-50' altitude, pacing the witnesses' car for 6
- I have had my share of sightings in New Mexico also.
I call them
- The New Mexico UFO Incidents
- I took these photos in 1998 while on vacation in New
Mexico. I've blown up the photo above quite a bit, and the original is
below. You can see the object in the upper left of the photo below. This
photo was taken in White Sands National Park.
- The photo on the right was taken by me on April 25, 1998
at White Sands, the one on the left was taken in 1952, notice any similarities?
I did.

This is a series of photos taken the next day north of Las
Cruces, New Mexico. There appears to be 2 objects, one cylindrical and
the other seems more rounded, they are next to each other in this photo
- This is the second photo taken about 10 seconds later,
you can see that the first object has moved to the left and has gone to
about a 45-degree angle...
- Luckily, we had several others who saw this same object,
and I was able to get a Email report from one of them. In his email he
describes us as one of the cars parked by the side of the road, and here's
his report...
- Date: Saturday, April 25, 1998 9:09 PM
- Subject: UFO Sighting---New Mexico, April 22
- For Posting Sighting Report
- This was related to me by my brother. At about 10:30
AM on Wed. April 22 he was traveling east on Rte 10 in southern New Mexico
west of Las Cruces, near he border of Luna and Dona Ana counties, when
he saw several cars parked on the side of the road with the occupants outside
looking up in the air.
- He glanced over where they were looking and saw a stationary
white object. He stopped also, got out and began to observe the object
with the others. He said that it was a typical "saucer shape"
tilted upward at about 10 to 30 degrees from vertical. It was about the
thickness of a pencil held at arms length and at about a 60 degree angle
from the horizon.
- He judged it to be about several miles away and a few
thousand feet up, south towards the Mexican border. He and the others observed
it motionless in the sky for about 10 minutes. It then began to level out
to a horizontal position after which it slowly started to move to the south.
- In a few minutes it was gone from view. My brother is
an "open minded skeptic" and since it was too far away to see
any identifiable features and did not perform any erratic or unconventional
maneuvers he is not saying for sure that he observed a "flying saucer",
but it was nothing like he had ever seen before and did not look like it
"belonged there". Anyone else with any knowledge of this or similar
sighting near that place and time please respond.
- And from Vallee's Magonia files,
- Oct. 25, 1953 Santa Fe (New Mexico). Jim Milligan, 16,
was driving through a park when he saw something fall in front of his car
and stopped as the object landed in some bushes. He walked toward it, found
a craft that looked like two ship hulls, about 3 m long, 2 m wideglued
together. When he tried to touch it, the object flew away. (Wilkins A 223)
- May. 18, 1954 Cannon Air Force Base (New Mexico). Two
persons witnessed the landing of a lens-shaped object the size of a house.
It came to the ground near the railroad tracks, kicking up a small sand
storm in the desert. One witness first decided to approach it, then ran
away in fear. (Binder)
- Nov. 03, 1957 White Sands (New Mexico). At Stallion
Site, an army patrol in a jeep saw an orange,"apparently controlled,"
luminous object on the ground near the site of the first A-bomb explosion.
It was first seen as a sunlike source 50 m above ground, descending to
ground level after 3 min, and landing several km away at the northern end
of the testing grounds. Two witnesses.
- Nov. 06, 1957 Santa Fe (New Mexico). J. Martinez and
A. Gallegos saw an egg-shaped object coming toward them at low altitude.
It moved slowly, illuminating their car and producing a humming sound.
The car engine, the clock and a wristwatch stopped. The object shot away
toward the southwest.
- Apr. 22, 1964 Lordsbury (New Mexico). Marie Morrow and
two other persons were driving west, about 2O km east of Lordsbury when
the entire area was illuminated by a bluish light "as bright as day,"
and a round object flew about 3 m above the car, making a whining sound,
then went north.
- Apr. 26, 1964 La Madera (New Mexico). Orlando Gallegos
observed a bright, metallic, egg-shaped object about 70 m away, on the
ground, north of La Madera. Blue flames appeared to circle the base of
the machine, which was silent and about the length of a telephone pole.
Scorch marks and four imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin
- Apr. 28, 1964 Anthony (New Mexico). Numerous witnesses,
among them policeman Paul Arteche, saw a reddish, round object hover
at low level, then take off very rapidly toward the west.
- Jun. 02, 1964 Hobbs (New Mexico). A "black object
with flames" is blamed for burns suffered by an 8-year-old child,
who said he saw the object coming from the sky. His grandmother, Mrs.
Frank Smith, who was standing nearby, heard a sound similar to that of
a bullet, but saw nothing. The child suffered second-degree burns on his
face, and lost part of his hair.
- From the Journal Archives, Sunday Morning, July 6, 1947
- Veterans Hospital Patients Report Flying Disc Here
- Four patients at the U.S. Veterans' Administration Hospital
here said that they watched a "flying disc" disappear into and
come out of the clouds in the southwestern sky Saturday afternoon.
- The group, all in the same room, were John Goyng, Charles
Roat, Fred Lucero and Lorenzo Garcia.
- They watched it out of a window, they said, and it "seemed
like a round ball, brighter than any airplane we've ever seen and was going
straight ... not dipping. It had nothing projecting from it that we could
- It was the second report about discs from Albuquerqueans
Saturday. In the morning, Jess Satathite of W. Candelaria Rd. reported
having seen five, saucer shaped objects and said one of them circled the
city. They appeared from the west, he said, as he was working on the house.
- From CAUS's Chris O'Brien comes several reports of activity
in New Mexico.
- A close proximity report of unexplained aerial activity
near or over a small body of water has surfaced in Northern NM. Note: The
La Veta, CO Jan 26th sighting featured a craft extending a beam into a
small lake on the 18th hole of the La Veta Golf Course Fri Feb 19, 1999
between 9:30 PM and 10:00 PM, 1/4 mile south of Black Lake, NM--about 23
miles SE of Taos, NM, CE1 Duration: 5-10 minutes Mora/Colfax Counties
- A couple w/ a south facing house witness 2 objects (each
w/ a single brilliant white light) rise from the Coyote Canyon area NE
of Chacon, NM., about 2 miles south of their home. Lights viewed under
binoculars were "rapidly oscillating as if they were rapidly spinning."
Woman witness described the lights as being between their vantage point
and the mountains 2 miles away. The lights were described as being "...
so bright they left an after-image" when the witnesses looked away.
- Within minutes of the commencement of the sighting the
first two objects/lights were joined by 4 similar lights/craft. 1st two
objects stopped out "in front of the living room window" and
"began bouncing around like they wanted our attention." Then,
the group of lights headed down to the lake for several minutes before
2 of the objects went straight up and the other 4 "drifted off over
the mountains to the south."
- No sound was associated with the entire episode and in
the witnesses estimation, there was "no way they were helicopters."
Woman estimated they were less than a mile away at their closest approach
and completely silent.
- The following day a truck driver told the couple he had
been returning up NM 434 after a delivery; at the same time as the couple's
sighting, and had also witnessed the 6 unusual lights.
- Thu Mar 4, 1999 at 11:00 PM North of Del Norte, CO Airfield
AN1 Rio Grande County A couple that live near the Del Norte, CO airstrip
call to report watching "a large straw-colored light hovering over
Jeep Hill," 1/4 mile away to the SW of their house. They estimated
the size of the light to be "15 feet in diameter." Craft/object/light
then turned on a spotlight which illuminated the area below it. Witnesses
told me this was the second sighting of a similar light/event in the area;
the first event occurred in the late Fall '98.
- The Black Lake, NM couple claims they have watched similar
bright white lights "almost ever night" since a multiple-object
sighting on Feb 19. Lights have appeared to be higher in altitude. In one
- Mar 8, 1999 at 8:30 PM, Black Lake, NM; a bright white
light [similar to the lights in the Feb 19 sighting] appeared to rise from
behind the mountains (just to the south of their location), to the altitude
of a passing jet. The light "paced the plane--sitting 15 miles behind
it" as the two headed south toward Las Vegas, NM.
- ALBUQUERQUE -- IamLeona writes that on April 2, 1999,
my wife and I observed a very bright luminous object traveling east just
south of our home 10:03 PM. We are located at 8,000 feet up in a mountainous
area 20 miles SE of Albuquerque. The object was a bright luminous amber
sphere slightly smaller than the moon would appear and traveled just above
tree top level. The distance from us was difficult to judge because the
size is unknown but we both estimated it to be between 50 and 300 yards
away. The object was definitely not anything like the air traffic we normally
see and made no sound. We observed the object for 15 - 20 seconds until
it disappeared behind trees
- August 15, 1999 - A dramatic bluish-white ball of light
was seen by observers over northern New Mexico. Witnesses described it
to be the apparent diameter of the full moon , and said it lit up the ground
like daylight.
- And so it continues, New Mexico is a state of mystery.
- Jim Hickman Director-Aerial Phenomena Research Group
CAUS-Staff/Consultant www.caus.org CUFOS-Associate www.cufos.org Homepage:
http://aerial.itlnet.net/ Email: aerial@itlnet.net Host-The Hickman Report
- "All warfare is based on deception" Sun Tzuon-The
art of war
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