Paul Kimball
UFO Crash Videos
Redstar Films


Aztec 1948 Crash


El Vado, New Mexico radar base


Director Paul Kimball & Director of Photography
Tarek Abouamin, near El Vado, New Mexico

Scott Ramsey & Paul Kimball being fitted for mics near El Vado, New Mexico


Paul Kimball & Scott Ramsey at crash site, Aztec, New Mexico


Director Paul Kimball, near Aztec, New Mexico

The "Welcome to Aztec" sign

Illustrations/Crash Site






Images From Documentary Film
Do You Believe in Majic?

1. stf&billmooreandcolleague - shows (l to r) Bill Moore, Jaime Shandera and Stanton Friedman,
the three original discovers / researchers into the MJ-12 document


2. Vandenburg2 - shows General Hoyt Vandenburg,
an alleged original member of MJ-12


3. Menzel NSA Consultant cropped - shows an official NSA document identifying
alleged original MJ-12 member Dr. Donald Menzel as a consultant for the NSA; and...


4. GAO TS Restricted - an excerpt from the General Accounting Office's
Roswell report, which shows that they found many instances of the disputed security
classification "Top Secret Restricted".